forgive me if this has been asked before but: what’s the best way to design a playbook?

forgive me if this has been asked before but: what’s the best way to design a playbook?

forgive me if this has been asked before but: what’s the best way to design a playbook? i mean this in a fairly material sense; a lot of people have generated very pretty sets of playbooks, and i’m curious what the best software is to do that with and if there’s any advice folks have to offer about design. i’ve been thinking of writing a post-apocalypse science fantasy game for a while and i’d like to start putting things together!

Uh, hi.

Uh, hi.

Uh, hi. First time poster. I’ve been playing Blades with a small group of friends for a while now, and it’s just been the best time ever. So after scrounging around for information and hacks (curse me for being late to the Kickstarter, longing stare at Iruvia supplement), I decided to try to adapt one of my projects to be a Blades hack. Writing and storytelling aren’t my strong suit, but I love world building and making characters, and I’ve always loved how Blades sets out the world and NPCs for use in games.

This thing is still very much being worked on (I’ve never done a straight-up hack before, only a homebrew Dungeon World race) but I hope it makes some sort of sense.

So, uh, yeah! Thank you for looking.

Hi all-

Hi all-

Hi all-

Here is the next version (V0.5) of the character playbooks for my epic / heroic fantasy hack – Blades in the Brokenlands. The playbooks include:

Fighter Archetype (Berserker, Hunter, Weapon Master)

Magi Archetype (Alchemist, Enchanter, Weaver)

Rogue Archetype (Thief, Swashbuckler, Watcher)

The Innocent (a peasant hero, naive adventurer, or the classic young hero in epic fantasy stories).

Although this doesn’t have a crew (party) sheet or XP triggers (I forgot to add) they are playable.

The unedited rulebook with initial setting information can be found here.

I’d love feedback!

in the absence of The Doomed, my brain.

in the absence of The Doomed, my brain.

in the absence of The Doomed, my brain… is trying to do a thing, practically against my permission. so… supers in the style of Wildbow’s Worm – with which I know a couple of the community members here are familiar.

this is… basically all I have so far. I’m thinking the power creation will be very much like Worlds In Peril, with a very important exception! each player will have their powers designed by the rest of the group, after choosing their playbooks.

crew types will likely be partly based on the Blades defaults, but also include sponsored (through corps or gov) and unsponsored (like vigilantes) hero groups.

does… that… sound fun? like, is this a line of thought I should continue putting effort into?

Hey Blades hackers:

Hey Blades hackers:

Hey Blades hackers:

I’m experimenting in my hack with having a playbook that has cohorts at the individual level (sort of like the Hardholder/Chopper in Apocalypse World, or the Pusher/Fixer in The Sprawl) and I’m not sure what to tie their cohort’s dice pools to. Personal wealth feels like an obvious low-hanging mechanical fruit to try to latch onto, but it feels kind of arbitrary. Tying it to an Action rating (or Action-like rating a la Band of Blades) feels like you have to choose between “I improve” or “They improve” in a way that doesn’t sit super well with me. Curious if anyone else has tried barking up this tree or may have thoughts.

Some Band of Blades questions

Some Band of Blades questions

Some Band of Blades questions

1) Is it 3 full squads, or 2?

Page 6 – Ending the Campaign “The campaign ends when there are fewer than 3 specialists or full squads in the Legion”

Bottom left inside Marshal “If fewer than 2 full squads, end the game.”

2) how many rookies do you start with? The full 30? 5 full squads to match 5 starting specialists feels right, but I can’t find it spelled out anywhere

3) Is it correct that you could have 18 specialists but only 14 (or 9) soldiers/rookies and that would end the game for lack of full squads?

I just got done reading the 1.5b rules for Blades Against Darkness and love it but I could use some inspiration for…

I just got done reading the 1.5b rules for Blades Against Darkness and love it but I could use some inspiration for…

I just got done reading the 1.5b rules for Blades Against Darkness and love it but I could use some inspiration for a one shot I want to run at some point in the near future. Anyone care to recommend any good books or TV shows to loot for ideas?


I am working on a little privat science-fiction hack about a crew of former ensalved humans aboard a wrecked capital…

I am working on a little privat science-fiction hack about a crew of former ensalved humans aboard a wrecked capital…

I am working on a little privat science-fiction hack about a crew of former ensalved humans aboard a wrecked capital ship.

I like the idea of having them “retake” parts of the ship with scores. Similar to the turf system in classic Blades.

One thing I have my problems with is Crew Advances. When I go with “You have to get ship upgrades with Scores” than all Advances will go into Special Abilities and Cohorts. If I want them to be able to get some ship upgrades with Advances I have to determine which upgrades are possible to buy and which need a score.

Any ideas?

I have read Scum & Villainy and A Nocturne and both have some good ideas for Upgrades in general but have very different approaches to them that don’t fit for the taste I’m going for.