I had a focus group on Metatopia this year, to talk about my new game idea.

I had a focus group on Metatopia this year, to talk about my new game idea.

I had a focus group on Metatopia this year, to talk about my new game idea. A Blades hack game about luchadores, Día de Muertos and Halloween:


Halloween monsters are invading the Land of the Dead, threatening to corrupt and destroy all its unlife! But hope is not lost, Catrina is calling up a team of heroes—masked luchadores chosen among the bravest souls of the departed. These anonymous fighters, armed with their magical máscaras, wrestle on the ring to charge up their power—by the cheers of the crowd—so they can then face the werewolves, zombies, vampires, and witches of Halloween that threaten to destroy el más allá.

Do you have what it takes to be a luchador? Answer Cantrina’s call, and join this fierce fight, a dos de tres caídas, sin límite de tiempo!

Feedback was rad, and people showed interest! What do you all think of the pitch?

[Image borrowed from El Grimlock’s gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/el-grimlock/art/El-Santo-116609209]

Hey all!

Hey all!

Hey all! Does anyone know of a Forged in the Dark system that has a more fluid structure to the usual Score -> Downtime -> Free Play -> Score loop? (Not that this is bad, but I’d like to run a more exploration-heavy game in a FitD system, and while Downtime + Free Play translate well, the Score doesn’t).

I’m thinking of some hacks to Blades to accomplish this, but if someone’s already done it might as well not reinvent the wheel.

The Beam Saber blog has begun sharing mission prep notes (both from myself and other playtesters), art, and fiction…

The Beam Saber blog has begun sharing mission prep notes (both from myself and other playtesters), art, and fiction…

The Beam Saber blog has begun sharing mission prep notes (both from myself and other playtesters), art, and fiction centred around the game. Follow the link for what are essentially adventure modules for Beam Saber, and instructions on submitting your own Beam Saber work!


Glow in the Dark: Who are the Ash Lords?

Glow in the Dark: Who are the Ash Lords?

Glow in the Dark: Who are the Ash Lords?

They’re listed under other factions as either allies or enemies, but I can’t seem to find them elsewhere. Any help?

Oh, it’s been a while since I mentioned this but if you don’t know what Glow in the Dark is, go find it, buy it and love it.

Some stills from the A Nocturne roll20 campaign I’m running.

Some stills from the A Nocturne roll20 campaign I’m running.

Some stills from the A Nocturne roll20 campaign I’m running. We’re running a sector I designed using Calum Grace’s inspiring creation tables. Thematically, it’s a string of stars that have been pulled away from a galactic disc by a high-velocity Super-Massive Black Hole (these are called Hyper-Compact Stellar Systems (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypercompact_stellar_system) and they are an awesomely weird theoretically-real stellar phenomena).

A NOCTURNE v0.9 is out now!

A NOCTURNE v0.9 is out now!

A NOCTURNE v0.9 is out now!

It’s out, it’s big, it’s lovely, it’s dark and weird, and you can buy it for just €5 – that’s the price of a nice pint of ale! I’ve been working on this game for the best part of two years, so frankly this is an absolute steal. And, if you want to share it around, or just want to check out the playbooks, the sheets pdf is still available as a free download!

You can find it linked as part of this post, but if you’re interested in the changelog you can read that here: https://thysane.itch.io/a-nocturne-play-test/devlog/55458/a-nocturne-v09-is-here


A month or two ago, this community was a great inspiration for helping me rename a hack (Live Fast).

A month or two ago, this community was a great inspiration for helping me rename a hack (Live Fast).

A month or two ago, this community was a great inspiration for helping me rename a hack (Live Fast). I’d love to get input from the group again!

I also have an epic/heroic fantasy that I am working on. It is currently called “Blades in the Brokenlands.” However, that was based on a specific setting. I’d like it to be more portable to existing fantasy settings.

Right now, I’m thinking-

Forged in Steel (but what about magic?)

Tales of the Blade

Bard’s Tale (oops, that was the name of a game that burned out my Apple IIc)

Fellowship (taken, but I like the emphasis on the crew / party)

Hey there BitD community, i’ve been stirring around a concept for a Forged in the Dark game, that is set more in the…

Hey there BitD community, i’ve been stirring around a concept for a Forged in the Dark game, that is set more in the…

Hey there BitD community, i’ve been stirring around a concept for a Forged in the Dark game, that is set more in the nature of epic fantasy adventures with unique characters. So for this idea i’ve ditched the idea of a playbook, and would have a character assign action dots differently, and for the Special Ability, The group, (or each player) would create a magic system/ability together for their game. I’ve created a document linked below to outline some instructions i’ve created that i think illustrates what i’m trying to do with this. I know there are big changes i think i will need to do with the base game to do what i want, but for now, i’d like some feedback on this Special Ability. Whether you think it’s possible, whether my instructions are clear or not, or any other input regarding it. Thanks in advance and i’m glad to finally start reaching out here.


Hi all!

Hi all!

Hi all!

I just finished my full release of v4.1 Karma in the Dark. Feels so good not to have a list of things that still need to be finished!

I’ve found that players are better than me at describing the game, so to paraphrase what one said: The game is a Dystopian Futuristic Fantasy where you make your own world and it’s all about oppression, resisting corruption, and being disposable mercenaries controlled by those with more influence than you.

Instead of grabbing turf, you’re trying to prove your relevance to bigger factions and raise enough influence to impose your ideals on the world and shift the status quo. You constantly push for your ideals, but if you sell out on them you get bonus dice and everything is easier. Eventually you become so corrupt that you conform to society and end the campaign.

Rulebook: http://bit.ly/KitD_Release Sheets/Records: http://bit.ly/KitD_Sheets

Quick Rule Ref: http://bit.ly/KitD_RuleRef

Website for Misc other: https://www.casskdesigns.com/karma-in-the-dark.html

Feels bittersweet posting here knowing Google+ is going away, but this community is why I started designing in the first place,so I’m glad I made it to full release before then.


Trapped in an MMO Blades Hack: The Combo System.

Trapped in an MMO Blades Hack: The Combo System.

Trapped in an MMO Blades Hack: The Combo System.

So while I’ve mostly been basing the system for Blades in the Database (name is a work in progress) off of Blades in the Dark, I thought I’d raise for discussion the combo system I have incorporated into my version of the game.

So, here it is:

When you make an action roll, you roll dice of a specific colour relating the attribute that the action roll is under (Green – Speed; Red – Strength; Blue – Willpower), equal to your action rating. You must consider 3 things after making a roll:

1. Did you succeed? Just like in blades, you succeed on a 4-6 and receive complications on a 1-5.

2. How many success dice did you roll? What colour are they? Save these dice for later in your Speed/Strength/Willpower pool

3. How many failures did you roll (1-3s). Sum the values and add this to your Threat value.

Players now have 2 sets of abilities, ones for outside of combat, and ones for inside of combat. Combat Abilities cost dice from the pools you have saved from previous rolls and are rolled using these dice. This simulate the cooldown and mana costs of abilities from the game.

This can cause ability chains, as you could roll a 4-6 on an ability dice pool and get to keep the ones you rolled! This means the bigger the dice pool, the longer the potential chain of abilities but the greater the potential threat gain.

Example: Emberblade is an Assassin playbook and wants to use his ability “Assassinate”. To activate Assassinate, Emberblade needs to use 2 of the Speed dice and 1 of the Strength dice they saved from previous rolls. Emberblade rolls these 3 dice and gets a 6 on the Strength die, and a 4, 3 on the Speed dice. He succeeds without complication on using his ability, and gets to add the two successful strength and speed dice back into his saved pools. He also gains 3 threat due to his single failure dice which is considered “spent” and does not return to his saved pools.

By expending 3 dice of the same colour from your saved pools, you can create a Combo Chain.

3 Speed causes your next action roll to have successes explode. (You keep all 4-6s you roll even if they explode)

3 Strength gives you +1d to your next resistance roll and you can regain 1 armour or special armour box.

3 Willpower gives you bonus effect for your next action roll, and for the next two rolls from other players in your party, you gain saved dice equal to those that they saved and of the same colour.

More on Threat in a future post!