Hey all!

Hey all!

Hey all! Does anyone know of a Forged in the Dark system that has a more fluid structure to the usual Score -> Downtime -> Free Play -> Score loop? (Not that this is bad, but I’d like to run a more exploration-heavy game in a FitD system, and while Downtime + Free Play translate well, the Score doesn’t).

I’m thinking of some hacks to Blades to accomplish this, but if someone’s already done it might as well not reinvent the wheel.

3 thoughts on “Hey all!”

  1. I don’t have it ready to post yet, but I tested it this week. Used two actions per day. Actions could be used for most things – except training.

    A Score is then treated as one type of Freeplay action.

  2. Just a quick follow-up. I have playtested this twice now and it works well. Players have two ACTIVITIES each day that can be used for any of the freeplay or downtime things in Blades with a couple of caveats. First, I don’t allow training during this phase. That can only be done when the group decides to skip forward in time a few weeks (my DOWNTIME phase). Second, when we outline a long term project, I give a certain number of activities that must be completed prior to allowing a project roll. So, it might take 6 activities (3 days of solid work, or 6 days of part time work) before they can make a roll to start filling the clock. Another 6 activities of work before the second roll, etc.

    This approach does allow faster recovery, so it isn’t as grim as Blades.

    A “Score” is one type of activity that is used during freeplay for important encounters – when we think it is appropriate to start an encounter with an engagement roll.

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