I don’t know if anyone has caught Gotham on TV or not, but the GCPD is very much how I imagine the Bluecoats in…

I don’t know if anyone has caught Gotham on TV or not, but the GCPD is very much how I imagine the Bluecoats in…

I don’t know if anyone has caught Gotham on TV or not, but the GCPD is very much how I imagine the Bluecoats in terms of how they are ran and the level of corruption. How do you all deal with your Bluecoats? Mine tend to be easily corruptible, prone to violence, with many large sections of the force sold out to larger gangs.

GMs of Blades I ask of you: Do you in the start kind of keep to one “employer”?

GMs of Blades I ask of you: Do you in the start kind of keep to one “employer”?

GMs of Blades I ask of you: Do you in the start kind of keep to one “employer”? Or do you jump around a bit with the different friends they have?

How do you encourage them to decide what to do? Got some players that are used to a gm saying here is the adventure so want them to be with the sandbox more but don’t want them to be thrown in the deep end so to speak

Curious if anyone has come up with some interesting Iruvian Sword arts?

Curious if anyone has come up with some interesting Iruvian Sword arts?

Curious if anyone has come up with some interesting Iruvian Sword arts? My cutter has the reluctant swordsman thing going on, but neither my GM or I have come up with any good ideas for his style when he inevitably will draw his sword.

Duskvol at night is dangerous, but it is no less an atrocity during the day.

Duskvol at night is dangerous, but it is no less an atrocity during the day.

Duskvol at night is dangerous, but it is no less an atrocity during the day. For blocks around the rendering plants, the smell and slick of the guts and offal of slaughtered leviathans drip and reek. The great strength of the dockworkers is not in their backs, but in their iron constitutions.

Originally shared by Adam “Bison Court” D

Swill milk and rivers of “blood and liquid offal” are all-too-often forgotten in works of historical fiction.


Showdown between two Leviathan Hunting Captains

Showdown between two Leviathan Hunting Captains

Showdown between two Leviathan Hunting Captains

When only one player could make it to our Blades in the Dark session, we decided to crack out Seth Ben-Ezra’s Showdown. If you don’t know it, it’s an awesome two-player RPG about a duel to the death and the story behind what led the combatants to that point.

We agreed on a nautical battle, and keeping with our Blades theme, we set it as a duel between two Captains with their Leviathan Hunting ships and crew as their weapons.

We were on the void sea, on the precipice of the storm that swirls in the wake of a Leviathan. The Blood Rose of Tycherosi fame is captained by my character Captain Phin Farros. The Chance’s Kiss is captained by my opponent’s character, Captain Jasper. There was burning barrels, electroplasmic shields, undead crew, necromancy, dark pacts with ancient demons, scuttled ships, fire, sword fighting and more.

The game intersperses the duel with scenes exploring when our characters first met, how their feud grew, revealing who they really are and why they ultimately had to fight each other to the death.

The Blood Rose is also the ship that was found adrift and carrying a powerful artifact that the Blades have discovered and are working to reveal its true powers. So a fun game and a neat way to explore a side story in our Blades game

H/T to Evil Hat on FB

H/T to Evil Hat on FB

H/T to Evil Hat on FB

“As we announced last September, we’re bringing John Harper’s Blades In The Dark to market this year. A tabletop role-playing game about a gang of criminals seeking their fortunes on the haunted streets of Duskwall, Blades offers heists, chases, occult mysteries, dangerous bargains, bloody skirmishes, and, above all, riches to be had if you’re bold enough.

We checked in with John recently to get a behind-the-scenes look at his development process…”



While waiting for V8 I find myself thinking back to hack ideas, and am really wanting to use the rules to run a…

While waiting for V8 I find myself thinking back to hack ideas, and am really wanting to use the rules to run a…

While waiting for V8 I find myself thinking back to hack ideas, and am really wanting to use the rules to run a government response/spy team calling back to things like Warren Ellis’s run on Stormwatch or Planetary.

Apologies if this has been covered before, but can PCs resist as a group action?

Apologies if this has been covered before, but can PCs resist as a group action?

Apologies if this has been covered before, but can PCs resist as a group action?

This came up while I was running the S&V quickstart. The PCs initial reaction to the starting ambush was a group action exfil off the “X.” They got a 5, and so I ruled the complication was that they got off the initial “X” without taking any harm, but ran right into the fields of fire of another ambush element (i.e. right onto a 2nd “X”). Resisting would allow them to get off this 2nd “X,” but they would remain engaged with the enemy and taking effective fire (I ruled the ambush a desperate position, so the resist wouldn’t totally negate the action). This all ran smoothly, and when it came to resist, collectively we were like, “Hmmm, can the PCs also resist as a group?” Any thoughts appreciated.

Hey all.

Hey all.

Hey all. I am planning to run a mini campaign. Eight sessions? Has anyone ran one that has drop in drop out play? That is generally how our groups work. People sign for as many or few sessions as they want. Of course, hopefully I get a good group at crew/character generation. With so much focus on the crew I just wondered how that might work out.