


The Chosen


The Chosen has been touched by the gods and granted the power to become briefly, painfully, super human. Thematically they exist somewhere between The Cleric, The Monk, and The Paladin.




The Warden:


Of all the playbooks this one has gone through the most changes and is probably my favorite. It nails something about the Western and Swords and Sorcery that I’ve always known intuitively, but was unable to pin down until I agreed to try and do this thing.

The Warden is someone who has been outside the boundary of civilization. They’ve developed such a taste for the wild that they no longer fit in with “normal” people. They are a Barbarian.

The Warden has spent so much time in nature that their senses have sharpened to animal sensitivity. They’ve developed an affinity for the tiny fragile spirits of nature. They are a Druid.

The Warden is a legend in their own time. They were the first to penetrate the frontier and map it. They brought back the stories that drove others onward into the West. Everyone has heard of them and they know everything about the frontier. They are a Bard.

As for Blades Against Darkness in general I’m still struggling with bending Blades as an engine to my will. Recently though I had a bit of an insight that I hope will make the coming weeks easier.

I’ll keep you posted.




Here’s my draft of a possible heritage based life-path. Still generating content for the other heritages, but now that I’ve got the process I think it should go easier. Comments welcome.


#BladesAgainstDarkness  Playable Alpha

#BladesAgainstDarkness  Playable Alpha

#BladesAgainstDarkness  Playable Alpha

Here it is. Try it out. Tell me how it goes. There’s lots of work left to be done, but I’m excited to get it in your hands. 

I would remind anyone that this is a playable alpha . There are going to be changes and many things are still, very much, a work in progress. 

That being said, I believe there is enough here for you to play the game, even if you have to fill some bits on your own. 

I would love to hear how this goes for you, any questions you might have or comments. 

Good luck adventurers!

Still to come:

Additional Crew Sheets

Artwork and Maps

Life-paths for the various peoples

Special Permissions and worked examples

Agartha Zones Encounters

Advanced Dungeon Design and Delving





Dungeon Crawl here. I dare you.

Equivalent to the boroughs of Duskwall are the various zones of Agartha, the massive megadungeon in which your adventures will take place.

One more piece stands between me and a playable alpha packet. I’ll keep you posted.




The Chosen is my answer to the cleric. And the monk. And the Paladin. They are someone who the gods have branded with their mark and made into an instrument of their will.Their god watches over them and has gifted them the power to be briefly, painfully, superhuman.

Alpha packet is coming along, it’s a lot more work than I thought it was going to be giving people what they need to actually run the game. The upside is it will be much more coherent when you try.