11 thoughts on “#BladesAgainstDarkness”

  1. Yeah, one of the main touchstones for this part is Metroid. My goal was to provide you with a variety of cool areas in which to put your dungeon crawling jobs.

  2. Getting super excited to check this baby out. I do wonder why you went with the name Mushroom Garden though, since you already have a fungus region and none of the impressions are fungus-y. Almost seems like you could just swap the names of those two regions.

  3. Yeah, I guess I left out the giant mushrooms in the description didn’t I? Other bits seemed more important. That one’s actually my least favorite name, so I’m open to suggestions!

  4. Depends on how important the mushrooms are to the region. Based on those impressions alone I’d expect a name more like ‘The Greenwild’, ‘Bloodvine Fens’ or ‘Lost Jungle’

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