2 thoughts on “#BladesAgainstDarkness”

  1. how very coincidental: I am working on something similar for building a narrative centered on one’s fledgling heists. I hadn’t figured how to really put in on tables or present it yet, but looks like you are doing a fine job with that. I might crib notes from this..

    like in Runners in the Shadows, when their heritage is a problem, I start asking them about their early life that contributed to them being a runner. Then we figure out how their skills helped them, pick a dot and decide an outcome together (I just suggest something appropriate for the dystopia in my version”: poverty, death, oppression, etc).

    I like that you have them roll the action for an outcome and answer suggestive questions to bring out the character more. I like your inclusion of an item too – really adds to the narrative weight to still have that thing in current fiction

    nice work!

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