8 thoughts on “#BladesAgainstDarkness”

  1. Current Status looks a little something like this:


    Content generation is coming slowly. Filling out tables with cool stuff is not something that flows easily for me. I have the following elements I’m planning to include

    Lifepaths for the cultures (about half done)

    Encounters tables, monsters, and expanded impressions for the various zones (not started yet, I don’t yet have a super clear picture what this will look like)

    Playbook commentary that will expand on how to use the abilities, inspirations, and how the characters fit into the world.

    Actual Game Stuff

    GM material and actual game design This is where most of the work is currently happening. I’m doing a lot of play-tests and exploring the world and mechanics. I’m trying to build repeatable processes that I can give to you all. I feel pretty good about what’s being built, but I can’t say that I know it well enough to succinctly and clearly hand it to players with a page of explanation that will make it sing at your table. We’re exploring, seeing what works, and then figuring out how to hand that off to you.


    2 of the 5 iconic characters are done. I’d like to have some maps as well. Either of the dungeon as a whole or “snapshots” of the various zones.

  2. Dylan Green , thanks for the update! I’m really excited for monster writeups considering the flavour of the Alpha (and the other planned stuff is really cool too!) Would your window for feedback on the alpha doc be closed by August? I’m considering taking it for a spin then.

  3. By August I hope to have a beta which will provide the better part the new processes, game design, and GM advice.

    In all honesty, any feedback you provide at all from your experiences will be incredibly helpful, especially if you record your sessions and send them my way.

    Real quickly, I would say ignore the section about using clocks to represent the various “fronts” that a dungeon works on. Trust your instincts and your knowledge of the genre and you’ll do better than what I wrote up.

    Also ignore the change in coin economy and a coin cost for gear. That has been scrapped.

    If you’re running it in a different setting then trust your gut and understanding of the world. A lot of Blades is about having a discussion at the table about how your world “works.”

    If you’re running it in my setting then remember that I very explicitly left a lot f stuff vague and contradictory because I want you to build that stuff at the table. This is also true for playbook special moves which are deliberately broad and meant to be used in creative ways.

    If you have other questions, comments or feelings let me know and I’ll do my best to answer them.

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