Sorry for my english, but i have to ask.

Sorry for my english, but i have to ask.

Sorry for my english, but i have to ask. If a PC (crew tier 0) with fine weapon will fight with thug from tier 1 gang (without fine weapon). Is it risky position and normal effect? What if same PC will fight thug with tier 4?

Bought my book today & I’m enjoying it so far, but I do have a really nitpicky question:

Bought my book today & I’m enjoying it so far, but I do have a really nitpicky question:

Bought my book today & I’m enjoying it so far, but I do have a really nitpicky question:

On page 7 the text states, “The most common result is 4/5: partial success.” But wouldn’t the 1-3 result be even more common, as it covers half the die’s faces vs. 4/5’s third?

I’m sure there’s something I’m missing, maybe I just haven’t read far enough, (I’m still reading the Basics) but it’s been bugging me.

Rotating Player Base?

Rotating Player Base?

Rotating Player Base?


Our tabletop group is about 8 people strong and there’s little consistency to who can make sessions on a regular basis. Many of them are interested in playing RPGs but can’t necessarily commit to being available for sessions.

I’ve been looking for something that might be able to cope with a drop in/ drop out style of game play to accommodate this so that if a particular player can’t make the next session it isn’t the end of the world.

Seeing that the crew itself is the persistent character, and that player characters might come and go, do you think Blades in the Dark would be able to handle this sort of set up?

I understand that the world and crew might advance in a player’s absence so there would be some catch up involved.

What are the mechanical effects of the crew increasing their Tier?

What are the mechanical effects of the crew increasing their Tier?

What are the mechanical effects of the crew increasing their Tier? I remember reading something about the requirements to go up a Tier, what happened to the crew when they did, and what benefits (and drawbacks) a higher Tier brought. But now I can’t find the page, and I’m beginning to wonder if I just imagined it.

First-timer advice ping…

First-timer advice ping…

First-timer advice ping…

Okay, tonight I run my first (ever) session of Blades for the crew of “Smugglers of Arcane/Weird” that my players put together. I was going to point them towards heading outl to a near-ish shoal where a famous Leviathan Hunter captain met his demise fighting a Leviathan to try to capture his ghost, sneak it back into the city and hock it to Lady Ankhayat so she can try to coax out the directions to his secret hunting grounds. (These are all brand-new players to anything fiction-first/story-driven, pretty much all D&D players.)

My basic plan was…

* Engagement roll to set the state of things as they arrive at this ruined lighthouse/shoal in an ongoing storm, ranging from “the only thing worse than hurricanes are hurricanes in the dark” to “irritating but non-consequential rain” kind of deal.

* Finding the ghost of the captain and making their way to it (I’ve got two Leeches that will need stuff to blow up).

* Capturing the ghost (also two Whispers so this may help occupy them both).

* Heading back to the city and a shakedown from the Dockers/”equivalent to port authority”.

So, to those who have done this before: Does that sound like what all should be in a Score? Is that too much? Not enough?

(I also kind of feel like that’s a Smuggling mission attached to the end of a Hunt mission.)

Hey all

Hey all

Hey all,

Got a probably very simple question about group actions. Apologies if this has been asked before.

The text for group action is as follows:

If you direct the cohort with orders, roll Command. If you participate in the action alongside the cohort, roll the appropriate action. The quality of any opposition relative to the cohort’s quality affects the position and effect of the action.

My interpretation of that text is that doing something with a group improves position and effect – often to a high effect. Turning up to a gang war alone is a bad idea…bring a Quality 3 gang and you’re going to massively improve your position and effect in the ensuing violence.

Anyway onward to my confusion. The example text for a group action includes this sentence:

The next day, Arcy goes back and leads a group action, rolling her 3d in

Skirmish alongside the Thugs’ 2d.

So wait….when I do a group action I add the gang’s quality as extra dice? This isn’t really explicitly mentioned in the initial rules text which focuses more on effect and positioning. Any clarification here? Seems like this could lead to some massive dice rolls when you start rocking out with really high quality gangs…

EDIT: Thought I’d add another question seeing as I’ve figured out my original question.

Engagement rolls – is 1d the minimum you roll? Can a disadvantage take you zero dice forcing you to roll two and take the lowest? Can you push yourself doing this roll?

I want to double check my understanding of stress recovery.

I want to double check my understanding of stress recovery.

I want to double check my understanding of stress recovery.

If the PC has zero dots in, lets say, Prowess and indulges in their vice they roll 2 dice and keep the lowest. If they get a 1 and a 6 on the dice they would recover 1 stress.

Is that correct?