What props or organizational aids do you use at your table?

What props or organizational aids do you use at your table?

What props or organizational aids do you use at your table?

I’m starting a campaign soon, and intend to use note cards to keep track of NPCs, factions, and Dramatic Questions, keeping them out on the table for everyone to see.

I also want to get a large printed copy of the Duskvol map, and maybe print some of the black and white art, for mood/set dressing.

What sort of things do you use at your table? Anything that you’ve found to work especially well? Anything that you thought would work well and was just meh?

Does anyone have any recommendations for running Blades as a one shot?

Does anyone have any recommendations for running Blades as a one shot?

Does anyone have any recommendations for running Blades as a one shot? I understand its not using the system to its full potential but I feel it still has a lot to offer.

So that damn Leech player is at it again, this time with a character idea that we’re working out how to/if we should…

So that damn Leech player is at it again, this time with a character idea that we’re working out how to/if we should…

So that damn Leech player is at it again, this time with a character idea that we’re working out how to/if we should implement it.

The basic idea is a foppish dandy slide with servants who all count as the one “character.” So rather than taking harm himself he would throw his servants in the way and have to replace them.

My gut reaction is to say no and make him take a gang for it, but I have a reputation for being very “literal” with rules and I’d like a second opinion.

My main concern is that as Blades is fictional positioning the game this could lead to confusion about effect down the line. I’m curious what others thoughts are, how you would implement such a character or if there’s anything we should watch out for (the harm system immediately springs to mind). It’s not that I don’t trust my player but we’re all new to the system and still figuring things out.

Thanks very much for helping out a blades newbie. 🙂

Audiobooks of Episode 14, Parts 1 to 4 are up.

Audiobooks of Episode 14, Parts 1 to 4 are up.

Audiobooks of Episode 14, Parts 1 to 4 are up.

Originally shared by Oliver Granger (watergoesred)

I highly recommend watching the Bloodletters Youtube series, GMed by John Harper with a stellar cast of players.

I converted the whole video series into audiobooks so I can listen to them while travelling and doing chores. You can download each session as a separate audio-only file from here:


FYI the playlist of the Bloodletters Youtube videos:




Whoops! Did something happen to John Harper​ and Sean Nittner​ ‘s AMA video?

Whoops! Did something happen to John Harper​ and Sean Nittner​ ‘s AMA video?

Whoops! Did something happen to John Harper​ and Sean Nittner​ ‘s AMA video?

I started watching it on Friday, but now it seems to have vanished…

Thanks! 🙂

Things that are true in our Doskvol thanks to my players, for example:

Things that are true in our Doskvol thanks to my players, for example:

Things that are true in our Doskvol thanks to my players, for example:

•Ghosts can manifest incorporeal objects, like books they’ve owned or even written after death, into physical tangible objects. They also stay sane for longer, but the Spirit Wardens don’t care about that. You’re a ghost, you belong in a bottle.

•There are small sea demons, like leviathans but much much smaller, inside the lightning barriers. All over the canals. Their blood is even more potent than the giant leviathans, but they’re too hard to catch in an industrial manner, and the blood is too useful for research to be used as fuel.

All this in a few sessions, and we’re still basically on “Season 0,7”, we’ve not even made the crew yet because not all players have been present at the same time.

Oh, the Spider made a potion out of the pure leviathan blood. Knocked him right out for a week, and now he’s not alone in his head. Good times.

So my group of Tier 1 Bravos (with weak hold to boot) just crossed The Hive in a really major way which put them at…

So my group of Tier 1 Bravos (with weak hold to boot) just crossed The Hive in a really major way which put them at…

So my group of Tier 1 Bravos (with weak hold to boot) just crossed The Hive in a really major way which put them at -2 status – based on their actions they might have already hit -3, but my thinking was that The Hive saw them more as a pest/nuisance than someone to go to war with. Now, though, they’ve hit a major Hive lotus destillery/import place, taken everything, killed like a dozen of their mercenaries, and taken all their slaves to come work for them. We then roll the entanglement Show of Force (A faction with whom you have a negative status makes a play against your holdings. Give them 1 claim or go to war (drop to -3 status).) which just seemed too perfect for all of us. All this is fine, and we’re all super excited for this war, even though all that the PC’s have worked for might come crashing down. I’m writing just to get some outisde input on how a secretive network like The Hive might go about destroying their enemies (which of course will vary between groups and their “versions” of the faction) and hear if anyone else has any experience using them. I have my own ideas, but other stuff would be great.

Last session, our shadows crew (The Eels) got upgrades to spend (nothing new, we’re over halfway to tier 2), when I…

Last session, our shadows crew (The Eels) got upgrades to spend (nothing new, we’re over halfway to tier 2), when I…

Last session, our shadows crew (The Eels) got upgrades to spend (nothing new, we’re over halfway to tier 2), when I suddenly noticed “underground maps and passkeys”. What made us all love it was that it’s just a fictional permisson, not a mechanical effect. Of course e.g. “quarters”, etc are also fictional permissions , but the maps/passkeys felt more like it opened up a new part of the world. Haven’t used it yet as it was the last thing we did that session, but seems exciting.