It seems to me from the anecdotal evidence and limited pool of various streams and play reports, that most groups…

It seems to me from the anecdotal evidence and limited pool of various streams and play reports, that most groups…

It seems to me from the anecdotal evidence and limited pool of various streams and play reports, that most groups have someone pick a Spyder. I’m curious why that is. I’m guessing it’s a combination of being a scheming mastermind being incredibly cool, the support abilities are enticing and it’s the Playbook that advertises as the one which deals with the faction game.

So, pretty dumb question.

So, pretty dumb question.

So, pretty dumb question. I go into the Blades in the Dark Digital Download page, and I see there are lot of “files” to download.


Blades v8 Distribution II

Special Edition Pledge Download

Special Edition Pledge Download #2

Special Edition Pledge Download #3

Special Edition Pledge Download #4

Blades in the Dark Digital Rewards Download of Standard

Do I need all of them? From what I see, they are zip and some of the downloads seems to point to the same file.

What I have to download, to finally enjoy the final PDF?

Hei I was wondering, if is not available yet, cause I was trying to get the Player Kit, but I…

Hei I was wondering, if is not available yet, cause I was trying to get the Player Kit, but I…

Hei I was wondering, if is not available yet, cause I was trying to get the Player Kit, but I only get that the page can’t be reached due to taking too long to respond?

Am I the only one with that problem or is the page not online yet?

I’d like to get some input on running an upcoming game in “open secrets” style play.

I’d like to get some input on running an upcoming game in “open secrets” style play.

I’d like to get some input on running an upcoming game in “open secrets” style play. This would be an in-person tabletop game.

I’m looking at having (most) fictional secrets in the game occur out in the open. For example: “Bazso Baz is secretly a member of the Empty Vessel forgotten god cult”, or even “Bazso Baz wants to control Crows Foot”. This info would be recorded on a note card that would be on the table in reach of everyone.

I feel like playing with secrets like this available to the players gives them more creative openings and opportunities, sometimes just to make their lives more complicated.

Anyone doing this? Worked out especially well or unwell?

Looking for some sort of note-taking online tool that allows sharing, and is easy to scroll through notes (notes…

Looking for some sort of note-taking online tool that allows sharing, and is easy to scroll through notes (notes…

Looking for some sort of note-taking online tool that allows sharing, and is easy to scroll through notes (notes being a convenient metaphor for NPCs, gangs, locations, and things of that sort)

Facebook group certainly isn’t it, evernote isn’t it, google docs isn’t really it. Ironically enough, I’ve not looked at doing a google group. Trello looks like a definite maybe.

Anyone have a good go-to for this?

Has anyone used journalism or publishing as an element of their game?

Has anyone used journalism or publishing as an element of their game?

Has anyone used journalism or publishing as an element of their game?

We’re about to start our first Blades series, using the Hawkers crew sheet to play the staff of an anarchist newspaper in 19th-century Brazil. So it would be great to know any tips or resources people have.

Question about play clocks. Do I tell the players when it winds down x will happen? Any input appreciated.

Question about play clocks. Do I tell the players when it winds down x will happen? Any input appreciated.

Question about play clocks. Do I tell the players when it winds down x will happen? Any input appreciated.

I noticed the extra time consequence isn’t listed anywhere save the GM reference page.

I noticed the extra time consequence isn’t listed anywhere save the GM reference page.

I noticed the extra time consequence isn’t listed anywhere save the GM reference page. Was this consequence removed as a listed option?

Many people have asked about whether I will be updating my Roll20 character sheet and/or submitting it to Roll20 as…

Many people have asked about whether I will be updating my Roll20 character sheet and/or submitting it to Roll20 as…

Many people have asked about whether I will be updating my Roll20 character sheet and/or submitting it to Roll20 as the official live sheet. I haven’t had time for that, unfortunately, but I am very pleased to say that it has been picked up by the very talented Jakob and he has done a wonderful job improving my work and creating the Crew sheet tab properly – he’s also added in some awesome stuff so once you enter your playbook or crew name it automatically fills out starting dots and equipment.

Do check it out and give it a test.

I don’t know if someone is already working on this but I had a thought.

I don’t know if someone is already working on this but I had a thought.

I don’t know if someone is already working on this but I had a thought. The Blades in the Dark system could work well for a zombie apocalypse setting.

Heat becomes Noise and Wanted becomes something like The Hoard.

So the more noise you when doing a score the more the zombie hoard will notice you.