Many people have asked about whether I will be updating my Roll20 character sheet and/or submitting it to Roll20 as…

Many people have asked about whether I will be updating my Roll20 character sheet and/or submitting it to Roll20 as…

Many people have asked about whether I will be updating my Roll20 character sheet and/or submitting it to Roll20 as the official live sheet. I haven’t had time for that, unfortunately, but I am very pleased to say that it has been picked up by the very talented Jakob and he has done a wonderful job improving my work and creating the Crew sheet tab properly – he’s also added in some awesome stuff so once you enter your playbook or crew name it automatically fills out starting dots and equipment.

Do check it out and give it a test.

12 thoughts on “Many people have asked about whether I will be updating my Roll20 character sheet and/or submitting it to Roll20 as…”

  1. If you are a pro subscriber (if you’re not, but one of your players is, they can set up the game instead and make you Co-GM), you can go to the campaign settings and set the sheet’s type to ‘Custom’. Then go to the Github link in the above post, and copy the blades.html and blades.css to the respective fields in game settings.

    If you do not have anyone around with a pro subscription, you’ll have to wait until the sheet is submitted to and accepted by Roll20.

  2. Thanks Tim and Jakob once again for all the hard work in this massive contribution for the online player community. It is live and looks amazing, cannot wait for my players to see it this evening.

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