Just returned home at 1am from a late night out, only to find this special edition waiting for me on my door step on the 1st of October. How very spooky and appropriate!
Just returned home at 1am from a late night out, only to find this special edition waiting for me on my door step on…
Just returned home at 1am from a late night out, only to find this special edition waiting for me on my door step on the 1st of October. How very spooky and appropriate!
Prepping for my first-(and second-) ever sessions of Blades in the Dark.
Prepping for my first-(and second-) ever sessions of Blades in the Dark. Being a GM doesn’t help relieving the anxiety either.
Anyways, set up some Cult claims over a map on Roll20 and hopefully good to go(and could reeeeeally use any sort of advice on GMing this aside from what was on the book):
Theme song for my Hawkers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWCa3GvbNUE
Theme song for my Hawkers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWCa3GvbNUE
Logan Lucky is a really fun heist movie, light-hearted and funny without being frivolous or goofy, and it got my…
Logan Lucky is a really fun heist movie, light-hearted and funny without being frivolous or goofy, and it got my brother talking a lot about the possibilities of re-skinning Blades. I’d recommend checking it out.
Have you seen this video game, Web of Deceit? Looks like something Blades fans might like (I haven’t played it yet).
Have you seen this video game, Web of Deceit? Looks like something Blades fans might like (I haven’t played it yet).
Quite a good sale on Steam for Dishonoured right now. For people interested in Blades in the dark.
Originally shared by Avi Waksberg
Quite a good sale on Steam for Dishonoured right now. For people interested in Blades in the dark.
I’m not sure this s exactly the place for it, but: does anyone have experience with Bootleggers?
I’m not sure this s exactly the place for it, but: does anyone have experience with Bootleggers? I’m debating buying it because I love the setting, but I’m afraid it’ll feel dating coming back to it from Blades.
What does everyone think of the Spire RPG currently being Kickstarted?
What does everyone think of the Spire RPG currently being Kickstarted? Gives off Blades in the Dark mixed with China Mieville vibes, starring drow
The Situation:
The Situation:
In our ongoing Blades game, our Cult Crew retrieved an ancient Demon Mask for Lord Scurlock. During entanglement, my Whisper takes it out of it’s case to examine it. The demon tries to possess my Whisper, the GM calls for a resolve roll. My Whisper resists the demon possession but gets a clock, Possession by the Demon Mask, with one tic.
The demon is riding around, and we move into downtime. With our new Cult ability, Conviction, the Whisper engages in worship to clear stress. The character opens themselves up for communion with Irreus, The Black Star.
The goddess notices, seeing the demonic taint within her devoted disciple and acts to expunge it. The Whisper’s body is wracked with the conflict between the goddess and ancient demon, the GM calls for a Resistance Resolve roll to stay whole and sane through this process.
My roll?
6 6 6
mic drop
Finally got all 4 Blades books from the post office. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Special Edition is gorgeous.
Finally got all 4 Blades books from the post office. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Special Edition is gorgeous.