Three questions from my first AP one-shot with 5 players: First: I ended up playing Blades more AW-style.

Three questions from my first AP one-shot with 5 players: First: I ended up playing Blades more AW-style.

Three questions from my first AP one-shot with 5 players: First: I ended up playing Blades more AW-style. Instead staying fixed on a “who’s on point”, as a GM, I’ve cut scenes and shifted spotlights quickly between characters (“ok, while A is dealing with the vault, a ghost seems to want to hug you, B, what do you do?”). Given the compressed one-shot framework, people enjoyed that. Still, what am I missing? What could I approach differently?

Second: As a GM, do you really lay out all obstacles (clocks) in the beginning of the mission openly (assuming they have researched thoroughly) or do you have “hidden clocks”? Do you go through them step-by-step or leave a couple ticks open for surprises later?

Third: In a devil’s bargain, how much stress is considered fair? It seemed people got away too easily with offering couple stress ticks.

The first games session started as normal laughs and chuckles.

The first games session started as normal laughs and chuckles.

The first games session started as normal laughs and chuckles.

Making light of hanging out and having fun as a group.

2 Members to the group a Whisper named Hug and a Hound named Vey.

Our crew of thieves we sent out to sell so Leviathan blood we had.

While me and Hug chased a diamond to had to our hold. It was commissioned by noble from a local jeweler. We stumbled apon the information while at a local Crow dive bar. We used our contact in the

bluecoats to find route in which the guard detail would travel. Since they where guarding its delivery to the noble. We help to get our man in on the detail. By taken out one of the guards so he could fill that spot. With dislike of the Redsashes that we have they got framed for this one. The day of the heist Hug and I disguise our selves as Redshashes and pull this job. I would say it went off like planned but that would be false. With a fumble of the dice a normal grab and go. Became a Murder1 which is now been named officailly by Cantor.(sorry Adam Koebel if I spelled it wrong) Which work out in the end due to the fact everyone that seen it thought it was the Redsashes.

There was alittle more to it but this is the quick version of it.

Can’t wait to get back at it.

More to come



Due to some people not being able to make our regular campaign game, I stepped in to run a Blades one-shot for the…

Due to some people not being able to make our regular campaign game, I stepped in to run a Blades one-shot for the…

Due to some people not being able to make our regular campaign game, I stepped in to run a Blades one-shot for the two players who were still around (warning: super long post ahead).

Our small crew consisted of the Hound Ivan, a native Arokosian who used to work a tin mine in a lightening-fenced compound outside of the city walls, and the Slide Raif, a Skovlander noble and academic who had travelled to the city of Duskwall to study and since then had fallen into a life of crime. Given the relative skills of the crew, we ended up interpreting the idea of ‘Thieves’ pretty broadly: the duo were essentially running an extortion racket, with Raif infiltrating gangs and business to identify their most important members and their vulnerabilities, and then extracting money from them under the threat of retribution from Ivan.

Assigning faction relationships was a pretty cool experience, and helped set up some instant background for the crew. In particular, poor relationships with the Inspectors and Leviathan Hunters led to the idea that the crew had tried to extort money from the owner of a hunter ship. When he refused to fold, Ivan (without Raif’s consent) went after the man’s wife…who also happened to be an Inspector. The murder has been a significant source of tension between the two.

The game proper kicked off with the duo having been dragged from the attic apartment in which they make their lair by a pair of burly Lampblack’s to be deposited in Bazso Baz’s office, where the gang leader tells them in no uncertain terms that it’s time for them to pick a side in the on-going war for Crows Foot.

The pair reluctantly agree, and Bazso offers a job to clear out the Red Sashes’ vault. He doesn’t know exactly where the Red Sashes’s stash their cash, but he points them towards a potential weak link they could pump for information: Cleft, a agent for the Dockers and liaison for their dealing’s with the Red Sashes. Raif also successfully talks Bazso round to giving the crew a larger share of their profits from the job.

The pair head off to see Cleft and gather some intel, but things…escalate. They find Cleft running a small stall down by the canal, with a couple of Dockers unloading a canal boat nearby. Raif aproaches and suggests to Cleft that he has a business deal best discussed in private, and leads him off to the crew’s favourite tavern (The Lucky Bastard, the fanciest tavern in Crows Foot, run by his special contact). They are trailed, rather conspicuously, by the pair of Dockers who are in turn followed, much less conspicuously, by Ivan.

Riaf brings Cleft to one of the upstairs rooms, whilst Ivan sets up across the street with a view in through the window, pulling the break-barrel rifle out from under his coat and sighting up. The pair of Dockers lurk outside the tavern door.

Raif decides to cut through any negotiation by hurling some trance powder in Cleft’s face and then extracting anything he knows about the Red Sashes vault from him while he’s under its influence (this leads to a quick discussion about exactly what trance powder does: we decide that someone under its effects will be highly suggestible, but they will absolutely remember what was used on them later). Once he has the vault location (the basement of an old church of the Immortal Emperor, with access from the church entrance or through the sewers), he gives Ivan the pre-arranged single (flashback!) to take the shot. Ivan, the consummate professional, takes Cleft out cleanly, timing his shot to be drowned out by a particularly loud bout of carousing from the tavern, leaving the Dockers at the door none the wiser.

It’s around this point, with Cleft’s rapidly cooling body lying on the floor, that the pair suspect they might have very quickly gone in over their heads.

In an attempt to stave off any reprisals, the crew approach Keel, the leader of the Dockers in Crows Foot, on his canal barge. They concoct a story that they caught Cleft cheating at gambling and killed him in retaliation. Keel offers to let the death go for one coin of blood money. The crew aren’t keen on this, and the negotiations break down, with Keel ordering his guys to grab them. Ivan makes a leap to the wharf while Raif holds off some of the gang with his cane-sword. They manage to de-escalate the situation by Ivan drawing his pistols and levelling them at Keel while Raif talks him down. They leave with a grudging truce with the Dockers – they leave quickly, as the altercation has caught the attention of some bystanders, and Bluecoats are sure to be on their way.

Now square(ish) with the Dockers, the crew take stock. They aren’t too impressed with how Bazso tried to solicit their help, and figure that the Red Sashes might have a deal for them (if, for example, they can offer a handful of Lampblack prisoners delivered directly into Red Sash hands).

They manage to score a meeting with Mylera. The leader of the Red Sashes is reclining in an opulent drug den above the gang’s sword fighting school, and greats them somewhat warily (“Ah, the upstart thieves about whom we hear such…complicated things”). She is open to their plan, however: they will lead a handful of Lampblacks into the vault at an agreed time, where the Red Sashes will be waiting to ambush them. In case Bazso requires some extra incentive to trust them, Mylera gives up the location for a small drugs handover taking place elsewhere in the district.

Negotiations with Bazso are somewhat tense. He eventually agrees to send some of his men to help the crew raid the vault, but he is suspicious enough to insist on sending four rather than the two the crew suggested.

They meet their new accomplices a couple of hours later at the Leaky Bucket tavern. It’s an imposing group: Phin, one of the Lampblack’s champion knife fighters (Phin, in his short appearance, became something of a hit with the players, primarily because I was running out of voices to use and ended up falling back on a thick Oxfordshire accent for him), Arden carrying a massive sledge hammer, a locksmith (called Locks) and Ring, a man with the blue flame tattoos of a Lampblack but wearing the robes and mask of a Spirit Warden – the chill in the air that hung around him suggested he was a Whisper.

The crew spent a bit of time getting to know their temporary allies – Ivan bonded with Phin over their experiences on the Ghost Lines, while Raif buttered up Ring, prepping him for the idea that if a chance to change employer were to present itself, it might behove him to take it.

They decide to enter the vault through the sewers, and we’re finally in to a proper score.

It’s full night by now (for as much as that means in Duskwall), and they’re going to need to pass a few Bluecoat patrols to make their way to an appropriate sewer entrance. The first group of guards they stumble across is a small patrol of three. Raif, pulling some fake ID from his disguise kit, attempts to talk his way past them.

It goes incredibly badly.

The Bluecoats see right through his ruse, and rush in to try and arrest him (a failed risky action, then a failed desperate action). Raif smartly knees an officer in the groin whilst the rest of the group rush to help him, except Arden, who legs it, one of the Bluecoats in hot pursuit. Ivan, ever ready for this sort of circumstance, calmly dispatches one Bluecoats with his concealed blade, while Phin finishes off the one currently rolling around on the ground. They pause for a few moments while Ring incinerates the bodies, then head down into the sewers.

Ring helps them to overcome the wards on route, and they emerge in the vaulted catacomb under the church of the Immortal Emperor, a large vault door standing at the far end. Concealed behind the columns lining the chamber, Ivan catches glimpses of several red clad figures.

Once everyone’s in the room, the Red Sashes emerge, swords drawn. Ring and Lock surrender immediately, but Phin casts a quick glance at Ivan, does some mental calculation, and lunges toward the Hound with his daggers. As the Red Sashes subdue their prisoners, an ugly brawl erupts between Ivan, Phin and Raif. Ivan merely wings Phin with a close-range pistol shot, when Raif barrels into the man and tackles him to the ground. They trade blows for a moment, before Raif gains the upper hand and hold Phin in place long enough for Ivan to step up and finish the Lampblack off with a second pistol shot to the temple (there was some discussion at the table here about when Murder or Mayhem applied, and whether Ivan could use Murder after the fight with Phin spiralled out of control. We eventually settled on Ivan only being in a position to use Murder after Raif gave him the chance to get some distance and collect himself).

We wrap up pretty quickly at this point – the Red Sashes have the promised prisoners, and reward the crew for their efforts (2 coin and 1 hold on their development roll). They also draw down 2 heat, perhaps not surprising given the number of bodies they’ve left in their wake. On a grisly final note, Ivan sets to work removing Phin’s bladder as a horrific trophy (tied in to his ‘Weird’ vice), leaving Raith to wonder what sort of madman he has allied himself with.

Things that worked for us:

– Devil’s bargains were a huge hit. Some choice ones which popped up during the game were: “You break your sword cane attacking him”, “One of Inspector Holtz’s informants catches wind of you acting suspiciously”, “A bystander will summon the Bluecoats” and “Bazso will find out you fucked him over”.

– Action and Effect rolls worked really well for the most part.

– Character and Crew creation were a fantastic experience, and left us with lots of potential story hooks if we ever come back to these characters.

– Flashbacks were great, and both players very quickly got in to the habit of calling flashbacks for minor details or reasonable preparations they might have made.

Things we struggled with:

There are a few things I’d like to get a better handle on for the next time I run the game (which I’ll be doing for a larger group next Thursday).

– In some situations, establishing a risk up front that was distinct from straight up failure was a challenge. Particularly when trying to sneak past guards, it felt like we were really reaching to establish an effect that wasn’t “you’re spotted” (note it didn’t seem to be quite the same thing as an AW style ‘success with a cost’, as the effect was supposed to be established in fiction ahead of time). In other circumstances, like fights, it wasn’t an issue.

– Getting people to stop planning was tough.

– There was a lot a play that fell outside the normal ‘score’ structure. I feel a bit divided about this. On the one hand, it had some negative mechanical effects (in particular, the players took a lot of stress, without downtime to recover). On the other hand, the situation with the Dockers spiralling out of control created a very ‘Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels’ style experience that was great to play through.

All in all, it was a great game, and we’re all looking forward to getting back to Duskwall in the future.

I’ll be running a game with a Cult crew type on Monday.

I’ll be running a game with a Cult crew type on Monday.

I’ll be running a game with a Cult crew type on Monday. Has anybody else run a Cult? Did you use the Quick Start scenerio as is or modify some things?

I’m considering giving the Red Sashes a ritualist flavor (intertwined with their fighting styles) so there are more immediate supernatural or ideological connections for the crew, but otherwise keeping to the basic QS setup to see what happens.

Ran the first session today with a full crew (one of each of the base archetypes).

Ran the first session today with a full crew (one of each of the base archetypes).

Ran the first session today with a full crew (one of each of the base archetypes). The crew is based out of a tavern/theatre, and call themselves the Gaffers. They have a sort of low-level connection with the Red Sashes (mostly as friends of friends) but agreed to help Bazso Baz out to score points on that side of the conflict. He had heard the Red Sashes were building up a war chest to hire mercenaries led by Ulf Ironborn, and needed someone not connected to his group to take care of it.

My group really wanted to fight the rules on the planning. They could (and have) planned for days. Finally I wrestled them into going with it.

The group’s plan was to take in some counterfeit coin (a prop from the theater) and swap it out for the real stuff, angering Ulf and destroying the bargain. But they kicked it off as an Arcane plan, letting the Whisper call on her friend the possessor ghost to take over the guard at the Sashes’ back gate to let them in.

I set up the Red Sashes Temple with the following clocks: guards-8 (I figure manpower is their thing), ward-4, lock-6.

I think my big misstep here was not mixing things up. I had it in my head that the wards were at the vault door, so they progressed through all the guards first instead of interspersing them with other things. We had the possession, a Prowl to get up on top of the internal walls to avoid a patrol, a Deceive to steal uniforms and get past some guys inside, and lastly some Mayhem to eliminate the guards at the vault.

There was some rockiness on the early rolls, where we wound up with the Action roll, an Effect roll, and another Effect roll to resist the danger. Rolling Effect twice seemed to be confusing for my players. There was also a perception of a high failure rate, which may have been my fault at establishing danger—I should have gone more orthogonal to the players goal of getting past the guards but I was having trouble coming up with dangers that were not “you get spotted”.

Anyway, the coin switch was made, and several things were stolen to cover up the break-in, and the Gaffers beat feet after implicating the Fog Hounds in the crime. We didn’t get a chance to do downtime or entanglements.

Sorry, English is not my first language.

Sorry, English is not my first language.

Sorry, English is not my first language.

So, we tried Blades in the Dark in Wastburg.

It’s a free city where magic disappeared two generations ago. A few magical objects still contain a little bit of weird energy. When you’re destroying them, you’re releasing sometimes enough power for a spell, if you’re lucky.

The players were more in a mood for The Wire / The Corner than Ocean’s Eleven, so they chose to embody Hawkers. Their band makes money by using the remains of spellbooks’ pages. These pages still contain some residual magic, so they cut them into small patches that customers apply on their tongue to have a buzz.

When the action begins, the PCs (which call themselves the Rummagers) are in their lair panicking because they just found a dangerous document: the list of Bluecoats who infiltrated the various criminal gangs in the city. They wonder how to handle this hot potato when a detachment of the Bluecoats knocks at their door. Oops.

I will not explain everything in detail, but the list is quickly cut into 4 pieces and scattered among the gang members while everyone is trying to get out of this mess. One PC disguised as a Bluecoat sneaks out of the area, another one is running down the street with guards in pursuit, another PC attempts to spiel off the Bluecoats because he’s an ex-Bluecoat himself … The situation got complicated when one character has lost patience and stabbed to death a Bluecoat. Fortunately, his accomplice got reinforcements from a friendly band by killing the Bluecoat infiltrated in their gang.

The conclusion was a little messy with a PC who was arrested by the Bluecoat who chased him from the beginning of the evening and a Bluecoat who grabbed a piece of the list, but without realizing the nature of the document. At the end of this introduction, the PCs had 2 missions to self-assign for next time: to help their buddy to escape from the cell where he’s languishing and to seep in the house of the Bluecoat to retrieve the list.

The system runs well, even though I fumbled a bit to find the right rhythm and that I was not in full mechanical control of the stress system. The PCs did not act as a team, so some of the game mechanics were not used, and as it was a short one-shot, all campaign rules that make the charm of management band have not been used either. I was sometimes lost in translation, too. But the atmosphere was there. The missed dice rolls that can be retried by increasing the stakes still work well. We created the small world of the PCs in a few minutes, there’s really way to play quickly.

My players got a message for John Harper : “Your game is really fun. We want to play again when the game will be complete, for sure.”

Just came back GMing my Tuesday night group.

Just came back GMing my Tuesday night group.

Just came back GMing my Tuesday night group. The Malkavs finished their first score. We left the Downtime and score tests for next time.

Good session. I feel that I’m sharpening my rules mastery. 

I still have a hard time managing the flow of the session. Too used to have the players preplanning, they almost went through two plans for the same score, but we focused by the end.

The group had a hard time grasping the test dynamics (except for two of my players, one with extensive AW experience, the other with a baggage in indie design and lot of BW xp).

Overall, I feel great, and I think we will be enjoying this game for a long time. 

#BladesInTheDark . #TheMalkavs . #TeamLampblacks   

An example of solo play

An example of solo play

An example of solo play

A few people have responded to a previous post wanting to see a working example of how some solo play I have tried actually worked. This is a breakdown of my last attempt, to the best of my recollection!

Shiv McCool and the Phylactery of Tears

My Cutter, Shiv McCool, is contacted by the Circle of Flame for a job.

I roll once on the score generation tables, getting a result like “hide something from another faction”, or similar. Can’t recall the exact wording.

I look at Shiv’s status and relationships with Duskwall’s factions. (I went through a solo crew creation previously to tie Shiv into the setting). He has +1 with The Circle of Flame and -1 with The Weeping Lady.

The Circle of Flame are feeling some heat. They want Shiv to hide an object they stole from The Weeping Lady called “The Phylactery of Tears”

So I just daydreamed that up from looking a the faction descriptions and imagining what might be going on.

Shiv wants to know a bit more about the two factions before he takes on the job. So in true Cutter style he literally grabs a thief he knows who works the area and roughs him up a bit to extract a few facts.

Ok this is what really set up the solo mission for me – using Gather Information to establish some facts. I roll Shiv’s Command action and resolve the Effect with Force to find out what this guys knows. I note down the questions:

1. Who is the Weeping Lady sending to look for the phylactery?

2. Do they know about Shiv and where he is?

3. Who are The Weeping Lady’s Allies, if any?

4. Why does the Circle of Flame want the Phylactery?

5. How am I vulnerable?

Using the questions generated from Gather Information I go ahead and make up some cool answers, adding clocks to them where appropriate, basically fleshing out the tasks Shiv needs complete to succeed with the mission.

After a quick bit of brainstorming, I come up with the following answers and some clocks where appropriate:

1. Volunteer do-gooders are going from door to door in Shiv’s neighborhood, asking questions and appealling to people for help to find the phylactery. Do-Gooders sniffing around – 6 segment clock

2. They know The Circle of Flame has moved the artifact into Shiv’s neighborhood. See above.

3. The theft has been reported to the Bluecoats. A patrol is searching the streets and questioning local gang members. The Bluecoat patrol – 4 segment clock

4. They want to use children’s tears in a nefarious ritual. But they pay well, so Shiv is happy. He’s a questionable character.

5. Shiv knows that Randal, that drunken fool of a dockworker, has been threatening Shiv lately. He will shrely point the Bluecoats Shiv’s way. The snitch – 4 segment clock

I thought it would also make the game interesting to add a coutdown clock to represent how close the Weeping Lady’s minions were to finding out where Shiv had hidden the phylactery.

Phylactery of Tears – 8 segment clock

The mission: Shiv has to neutralise the forces against him before they find the Phylactery.

Shiv starts off by paying a visit to the local rogues of his neighborhood. Most of them are desperate folk who are scared of the likes Shiv. He uses stand over and intimidation tactics to suggest that trouble would be upon them if they told the Bluecoats anything.

Shiv uses Command and Force in a Controlled situation and gets a complete success which clears the Bluecoat clock completely. He has intimidated the local gangs into complete silence. The Bluecoats get nothing and leave the precinct frustrated.

But the Do-gooders have been busy, going from door to door asking if anyone has seen anything or knows anyone suspicious.

Now I decide that I will need to roll to resist the Effects of the Do-gooders and their door to door nonsence. I’m going to go with Influence. The locals know Shiv, but they are scared of him. Will they talk? I roll a partial success to resist and check off two segments of The Phylactery of Tears.

Someone has described seeing Shiv skulking through the streets late at night with a duffel bag held close.

Next, Shiv decides to go after Randal. He could expose Shiv’s name to the allies of The Weeping Lady. Not good. He goes down to the docks that night to kill Randal. 

I play out the action of a fight. Mostly at Risky. By the end Randal’s 4 segments are cleared and Shiv has taken two stress.

The do-gooders are getting closer. They start offering free food for the ally-dwellers, and those folk start talking.

I roll Influence to resist damage to the Phylactery of Tears clock again. Not a good roll – the clock takes another 4 segments, leaving only 2 segments left!

The do-gooders have been pointed to the ally way where Shiv keeps his stash. He’s mad. There’s only one thing left to do. He confronts the do-gooders, and tries to scare them off.

Stepping out of the shadows Shiv pulls out his fine blade and smiles menacingly. “You’d better get outta here before I start cuttin’!”

I roll Command and Influence again, at Risky this time. If they recognise Shiv later there could be trouble for him. Rolling ok I clear 2 tracks from their 6.

Some of the do-gooders look nervous, but the others are incensed and suspicious. “How dare you?! The Bluecoats will hear of this! What have you got to do with this anyway?”

I resist more damage to the Phylactery of Tears clock as some of the do-gooders recognise Shiv from the descriptions they heard of the Phylactery Thief earlier. There’s only two segments left. This could end badly. I decide to use Insight, as Shiv spots the most frightened do-gooder and puts pressure there. I take a Devil’s Bargain  too – at least one of them reports the incident and my description to the Bluecoats. It will cause trouble later, but I’m still not linked directly to the Phylactery. I roll well and only take 1 segment off the countdown clock.

The gaggle of do-gooders eye Shiv suspiciously. He glares at them manacingly and starts striding towards them down the dark ally way.

They have 4 segments on their clock. The Phylactery of Tears countdown has one segment left. Things are tight.

Shiv barrels into the do-gooders, skittling them like pins. He keeps his knife close but doesn’t use it. He can’t expect to kill them all and any that flee will send the Bluecoats. He just wants to frighten them.

I roll Mayhem and Influence for Effect. Rolling well, I clear the the final 4 segments on the Do-Gooders sniffing around clock.

Mission accomplished!

That was fun.

That was fun.

That was fun.  My Lurk, Luci, is based on an old character I made for a game years ago but never got to play.  She’s a little street urchin escaped from an orphanage.  Our crew has elite shadows.  They’re also street urchins.  I love it!  I snuck a crazy contraption given to us by the Redsashes into the Lampblacks’ base while our Cutter, Edger, provided a distraction.  Damn contraption is giving me nightmares now…

Last night, three friends and I made a start on the Blades in the Dark Quick Start.

Last night, three friends and I made a start on the Blades in the Dark Quick Start.

Last night, three friends and I made a start on the Blades in the Dark Quick Start.

We’ve been having a ball co-GMing the last few systems we’ve played (Monsterhearts and Dungeon World Funnel) so we didn’t hesitate to co-GM Blades in the Dark.

We all made characters and then the crew called “The Twelve”. The backgrounds, looks and occupations were easy to flesh out into interesting characters.

We wanted to pick all the crew upgrades, which is kind of good I guess. To narrow down our options, we did the crew creation out-of-order and asked lots of questions. We first fleshed out a few things like where our lair was located, what brought our crew together, what’s motivating us to keep working together.

For the record, our lair is an abandoned library sealed off from the rest of an otherwise occupied house because it’s considered possessed. The haunting should be good cover should we make too much noise. A few of us are on the run from the bluecoats and have aspirations of grandeur and taking a few factions down a notch or two.

The questions on Starting the Game were good and helped make explicitly some of the tensions and stories that were bubbling between and within our characters.

Then we dived into the intro scene. After quickly agreeing with Basco, our Slide started to haggle on the crew’s cut of the treasury score. I picked up GMing Basco and pushing back hard that “the Twelve” were a two-bit operation, get off my turf, etc. After a Risky Action roll (-1D against a prepared opponent) and an Effort roll avoiding the danger, the Slide landed the crew +1d on the Development roll after the score, at the cost of taking two stress herself, two stress on the Hound as her backup, and word leaking out about “someone’s gonna raid the Red Sashes.” We could already see this was going to get messy fast.

We settled on a plan smartly: infiltration. We agreed everyone knew the Red Sashes were Allied with the Cabbies, possibly because we were on helpful terms with the Cabbies. So, in lieu of gathering info, we used the Cabbies as an in, and the Whisper barrelled into the Red Sashes temple forecourt in a cab with our Lurk and Hound hidden on-board.

The plan was the Whisper would set up a diversion to allow the Lurk and Hound to infiltrate the HQ. We wanted a short diversion, Set Up and Follow Through as part of one plan, but misunderstood how it worked and ended rolling effect against a 4-segment clock. This muddle up of course led to a longer scene but it was entertaining so no one minded. The Whisper, a noble trained in the curved sword, challenged the school champion to a duel, which was clearly a desperate action against a veteran opponent. It took two goes to fill the 4-segement clock, he took some stress, made some enemies, and all together wishes to forget the whole experience, but he survived and made enough of a commotion to let his other crewmate’s infiltrate with ease.

We’re shall continue to co-GM weekly, with one player playing fortnightly, so we’ll have plenty of time to see how co-GMing works with Blades in the Dark.