Hi all – I’m playing with additional mage playbooks.

Hi all – I’m playing with additional mage playbooks.

Hi all – I’m playing with additional mage playbooks. The first one focuses on body manipulation. Here are the special abilities. Thoughts?

Corporik –Corpus (Body)

Tailor: You can make simple manipulations of your or someone else’s flesh color and texture, eye color, and hair color. The effect lasts an hour. Add +2 stress to make the effect permanent. Take this ability again to be able to attempts to mimic the look of a specific person.

Healing: You can Attune to a human body to treat wounds or stabilize the dying. Everyone in your crew gets +1d to their healing treatment rolls.

Flexible: You can modify your body to perform feats of inhuman flexibility or, you can get +1 effect level for feats of flexibility within human possibility.

Heart / Lung Manipulation: You can use attune to make an attack that slows heart rate or affects breathing. If the resulting damage is lethal, you can determine if it causes death or just unconsciousness. You can impact additional people for +2 stress each.

Expel Toxin: You can control your blood flow in order to expel a toxin or foreign substance, giving you a +1d to an appropriate resistance roll. For +2 stress, you can attempt to expel a toxin from someone else’s body.

Resilient: You are able to quickly heal yourself. A harm consequence is reduced by one level. However, a fatal (level 4) harm is still fatal.

Armor: You can use your special armor to thicken your skin and resist harm caused by a physical object.

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