Would you think Blades in the Dark would work for a Person of Interest style game?

Would you think Blades in the Dark would work for a Person of Interest style game?

Would you think Blades in the Dark would work for a Person of Interest style game? Could replace Attune with Hack, for instance…

6 thoughts on “Would you think Blades in the Dark would work for a Person of Interest style game?”

  1. If you just mean cyberpunk, then yeah it can totally do it. If you mean getting numbers from a machine with the person either being a victim or villian… You could do it, but i’d make a die roll table for determining who the person turns out to be. It would maybe replace the engagement roll…?

  2. Heh, I just started watching this show last night (no spoilers, please!).

    I think a Blades hack could work. You probably don’t need Tier and crew advancement stuff, really. I’d start simple with the hack (PCs and tracking Heat and Faction status) and see if you need any Crew stuff or not.

  3. I guess I am just looking for something to replace Attune with. “Hack” sounds like it may apply to a PoI world. Everyone seems to be have some competency with tech but only Harold (and a few other, no spoilers! :D) could do ‘advanced tech = magic’ stuff with it. Though I probably have to revise the the items list.

    One thing though, I don’t see PoI as cyberpunk tho. It’s lacking the cybernetic augmentation part… at least it is not featured that much, right?

  4. The stuff Harold seems to do sounds more like a “Tinker” variant with Harold being somewhere between a Leech and a Spider (probably a few veteran moves either way).

    You have a point though about “Attune” not having an immediate pairing. I think Attune would come up in Later Seasons more often, mostly in how they “avoid detection” with certain systems/people (I’m trying to stay spoiler-free so hopefully that made sense).

    The cyber-punk ness I think comes from the underdog feel and the “fighting the system/corporations” that goes on. Less so w/ the augmentations or “setting vibe” from cyberpunk. (To which I agree)

    This is a very interesting idea either way, definitely have a few thoughts about it 🙂

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