On the Shadows Crew sheet it says they can get the “Underground maps and Pass keys” crew upgrade.

On the Shadows Crew sheet it says they can get the “Underground maps and Pass keys” crew upgrade.

On the Shadows Crew sheet it says they can get the “Underground maps and Pass keys” crew upgrade. Underground maps is self explanatory as another point of entrance to scores, but what is a pass key used for?

Also what is coin used for outside of improving downtime rolls?

3 thoughts on “On the Shadows Crew sheet it says they can get the “Underground maps and Pass keys” crew upgrade.”

  1. My group are Shadows too, and we’ve abstracted the maps and keys stuff away to generally mean they can usually get nearly anywhere in Duskwall without barricades or patrols or the like being a problem.

    Coin can mitigate some entanglements, you can buy more downtime with it, but remember you should be trickling it into your Stash so your scoundrel can retire somewhere that’s not a cardboard box or electroplasmic crematorium.

  2. The dictionary definition pretty much covers the use of a pass key – a key that opens all the locks in a building such as a hotel or office.

    You can use coin for paying people off and buying things outside your usual playbook refreshes during downtime. A round of drinks to smooth the way for example.

    You need to spend coin to upgrade your crew tier p13, just search the pdf for coin and you’ll get the answers.

  3. The most right answer (but also perhaps the least helpful) for any question along the lines of “what does this vague thing on my crew or player sheet do” is what does the player think it does? The players are the experts on anything related to their character and powers, so ask them what they think it is, and be generous when they give their answer.

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