A couple of weeks ago I made a post about using Blades in the Dark to play a gang in a Necromunda/Mega City One type…

…design. You going to make this? I might work on the Judges thing if you do.. Dave Sealy Mark Cleveland Massengale The layout substantially copies Dylan Green‘s Blades Against Darkness…

What do you think the impact on BitD’s gameplay or tone would be if all the actions were replaced instead with Hard,…

…more statements about the world. Dylan Green In stripping out the actions you muddy the waters for defining how you do something. Remember the GM doesn’t call for rolls, the…

I’m just curious if we know what the status is for the various stretch goal playsets.

…(Donovan Shinnock) That googledoc is amazing and how did I miss that? Thanks much! Dylan Green Blades Against Darkness beta is largely in proofing stage. I also need to generate…

Maybe this is obvious, but I had a thought about what a deal between two criminal organizations would go down like. …

…bloodbath, but even more chance of being arrested. Dylan Green Additionally there is the added factor of building trust and having allies. If you have a long standing relationship with…