Player Handouts: City Districts

Player Handouts: City Districts

Player Handouts: City Districts

Here’s an example of how I’m adapting content in the book into handouts that are usable at the game table.

Question: Is it more useful to have the descriptive stuff from the book on these pages, or would you prefer to have more blank space to write your own notes?

If a character loses one of their special archetype Items due to a Consequence during a heist (eg the Cutter has her…

If a character loses one of their special archetype Items due to a Consequence during a heist (eg the Cutter has her…

If a character loses one of their special archetype Items due to a Consequence during a heist (eg the Cutter has her Fine Heavy Melee Weapon knocked into a canal when disarmed, or similar), is the item replenished automatically during the next Downtime?

Or do you need to do something special to obtain a replacement?

Hey Folks, I normally don’t have issues with understanding rules and considering how amazingly well written and laid…

Hey Folks, I normally don’t have issues with understanding rules and considering how amazingly well written and laid…

Hey Folks, I normally don’t have issues with understanding rules and considering how amazingly well written and laid out Playtest 1.6 is laid out, I’m actually kind of embarrassed to be asking. But if I’m wondering I’m sure others are.

Rules as written, I’m completely puzzled how to roll the Entanglement roll. Do you roll a single D plus your wanted level on whatever chart depending on the characters Heat? Or do you roll dice equal to your Heat with your Wanted level? Or a single D on whatever chart equal to your Heat plus Wanted level?

I only ask because if you roll a single D that would be the only instance in the game (up until this point) that the mechanics would have you rolling a fixed number of dice and would cause head scratching and consternation.

Here’s a thing I’m doing with Actions in the “How to Play” chapter. Let me know what you think!

Here’s a thing I’m doing with Actions in the “How to Play” chapter. Let me know what you think!

Here’s a thing I’m doing with Actions in the “How to Play” chapter. Let me know what you think!

Action Descriptions

Action Descriptions

Action Descriptions

Here’s a sample of the Actions in the book. I’ve re-written the descriptions with an emphasis on showing how the actions tend to overlap and are less rigid than traditional RPG skills. Let me know what you think!

EDITED (a revised version based on Duamn and Jamie’s feedback):

I have a question about adding items to the standard Load/equipment list.

I have a question about adding items to the standard Load/equipment list.

I have a question about adding items to the standard Load/equipment list. Early on in our campaign (about 10 sessions ago), the Lurk in our game asked if there was a way she could add a ‘concealable, hand cross-bow’ and ‘sleeping darts’ to her equipment list, so she would not have to make an Aquire Asset roll every downtime. Since her character didn’t have any skill to create these herself, I explained that she could accomplish this with a Aquire Asset roll to find a machinist and/or apothecary and a sufficiently long-term project for setting up the mechanist to produces these for her on a regular basis. She did so, and all was well in the underworld.

Then, in our most recent session, the Lurk asked if she get some sort of supernatural smoke-bombs. I grinned and flipped to the new Alchemy rules and announced that there was just such a thing. “Shadow Essence,” I said, reading the description, “and it only takes a 4-clock project to get 1 dose.” “That is exactly what I want”, she replied, “but can I add it to my Load list permanently?” That make me stop and reconsider. The way we had been handling such a thing in the past worked fine for us, but seems to fly in the face of the new rules for Alchemy. I’m currently contemplating how to facilitate this in way allows me to be a fan of the character, while still honoring the spirit of the rules.

Has anyone had a similar situation in their game. If so, how did you handle it?

In one of our recent sessions, the PC crew, the Black Scales, met with Candra the leader of a splinter faction of…

In one of our recent sessions, the PC crew, the Black Scales, met with Candra the leader of a splinter faction of…

In one of our recent sessions, the PC crew, the Black Scales, met with Candra the leader of a splinter faction of Crows that opposed Lyssa’s take over of their gang. They made a deal that the Black Scales would assassinate Lyssa, and in exchange the Crows would pay tithe to the Black Scales once Candra was able to regain control of the group.

We decided to represent the tithe like this: (Crow’s Tier Roll) – Fortune Roll = coin in downtime. The ‘Quality’ of the fortune roll depends on how hindered the Crow’s operations are (unhindered = 1, at war or actively hunted by the Bluecoats / Inspectors = 4).

Has anyone set up something similar in their game? If so, how did you handle it?

In my group’s last session, we realized that we weren’t sure how to handle PCs aiding PCs in downtime actions, since…

In my group’s last session, we realized that we weren’t sure how to handle PCs aiding PCs in downtime actions, since…

In my group’s last session, we realized that we weren’t sure how to handle PCs aiding PCs in downtime actions, since it had never come up before. We see that the aided PC gets +1d to their roll, but does the aiding PC have to also spend a downtime action? Or does he spend 2 stress, as per the regular aiding rules?

I might have missed this in the text, but I didn’t see a clear explanation during my last re-read.

Here is an updated version of my Roll 20 sheet. Fixed some code format problems so now everything saves properly and functions like it should.

Teamwork vs. The Bad Engagement Roll

Teamwork vs. The Bad Engagement Roll

Teamwork vs. The Bad Engagement Roll

Here’s a thing I just added to the text. It’s similar to something we used to do long ago in the early days of the alpha playtest, which I recently remembered. I think it still works given the current rules, but I’m interested to hear your thoughts.

(From the Engagement Roll section:)


If the engagement roll goes badly, you might be able to use a teamwork maneuver (Protect) to deal with the problem by yourself while the rest of the crew avoids the trouble, depending on the situation at hand. For details, see page 42.

(From the Teamwork section:)


You step in to face a consequence that one of your teammates would otherwise face. You suffer it or roll to resist the consequence instead of them. Describe how you intervene.

You might also use the protect maneuver when an engagement roll goes badly. If the opposition turns the tables on the crew and ambushes you when you infiltrate the manor, your character can protect the team and deal with the bad outcome by yourself while the rest of the crew avoids that trouble.


I wonder if this takes the bite out of a bad engagement roll or not. It makes them less painful for the crew in general, but much worse for one individual (which might not be a bad thing). But I’m not 100% sure.