33 thoughts on “Here’s a thing I’m doing with Actions in the “How to Play” chapter. Let me know what you think!”

  1. The questions remind me of AW run right. The explanations are informative without being too exhaustive. The in-fiction examples work well on both mechanical and ‘tone’ levels.

  2. This! I love this: “The ‘ghost field’ is somewhat ambiguous, by design”.

    I wish more rulebooks would be honest like that, more transparent in where the game procedures are rigid and where the group has space to define.

  3. The examples are on point. You cannot have enough examples. That makes things infinitely clearer. The attune description reminds me of the Weird ability to Open Your Mind. Love it! Keep them coming!

  4. Agreed, this is brilliant. Also, as I told Brendan Conway regarding Masks, however many examples you think are sufficient, add about 50% more.

  5. It’d be extra spice if there was an ‘icon’ for each action, something that identifies with the intent of the text – a symbol, a thug’s profile perhaps,.

  6. Yeah, the ‘do you resist or endure duress?’ consequences are GOLD.

    Using other mechanics that tie in to the examples is win win too (clocks for example).

    Thanks John!

  7. I think the Hard coding of ‘GM Questions’ needs to be made explicit in the Rules at every available opportunity. I’m so glad they are Front and centre at the start of the action description.

    Its the questions that spur on the fiction. Its such an important GM responsibility in playing to find out and most definitely a learned skill, so examples and suggested questions are always welcome 🙂

  8. Ben Morgan Very right! I thought the difference was that the consequence was worse for the 1-3, but it was just that they failed to get what they wanted. I continue my trend of being wrong. Thanks!

  9. Love it, this’ll be a huge help — especially for actions that aren’t necessarily as intuitive to players, like Attune.

  10. Really good, but maybe change the gm questions from “what do hope will happen” to “what do you want to happen,” to me it feels more concrete in terms of asking the player to declare intent. Also more in the moment and in character. Idk your call

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