In one of our recent sessions, the PC crew, the Black Scales, met with Candra the leader of a splinter faction of…

In one of our recent sessions, the PC crew, the Black Scales, met with Candra the leader of a splinter faction of…

In one of our recent sessions, the PC crew, the Black Scales, met with Candra the leader of a splinter faction of Crows that opposed Lyssa’s take over of their gang. They made a deal that the Black Scales would assassinate Lyssa, and in exchange the Crows would pay tithe to the Black Scales once Candra was able to regain control of the group.

We decided to represent the tithe like this: (Crow’s Tier Roll) – Fortune Roll = coin in downtime. The ‘Quality’ of the fortune roll depends on how hindered the Crow’s operations are (unhindered = 1, at war or actively hunted by the Bluecoats / Inspectors = 4).

Has anyone set up something similar in their game? If so, how did you handle it?

3 thoughts on “In one of our recent sessions, the PC crew, the Black Scales, met with Candra the leader of a splinter faction of…”

  1. Well, the rules for the PC crew are “Subtract 1 coin per crew Tier (from your scores) if you pay a tithe to a ward boss or larger organization.”

    Assuming it goes both ways, and that the Crows attempt a score roughly as often as the PC crew, I’d say simply give them coin equal to the Crows’ tier each downtime for as long as the deal holds. 

  2. Interesting. Why would the Crows pay tithe to the PCs? If they did, it would only because the PCs were higher Tier than the Crows, right? or else they wouldn’t do it (like, who is protecting Who here, anyways?).

    And If this happened to be true, then i would consider giving the Crows’ Tier in coin, not their own. Though, I would do so whenever the Crows took advantage of their help. Thus, it would become an assist score, worth the smaller groups tier, the Crows’, in coin.

    If the crew becomes less powerful, then any arrangement where they pay the PCs is basically just a score, but with extra stakes of future business.

  3. Blaze Azelski, ah, I had forgotten that rule for tithe to your ward boss. I like your suggestion better than what we came up with, thanks!

    Mark Cleveland Massengale, the PC’s crew is higher Tier (3) than the Crows now, and they’ve been showing the Crows their dominance for the last few sessions. The tithe claim we came up with was indeed based on the Crow’s Tier, not the PC’s.

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