Hello, first time with this system, trying to learn the rules to DM via the quickstart, then buy the pdf if…

Hello, first time with this system, trying to learn the rules to DM via the quickstart, then buy the pdf if…

Hello, first time with this system, trying to learn the rules to DM via the quickstart, then buy the pdf if successful. was hoping for some clarification on initiative and combat-

1) is there any sort of initiative? Or is it simply players have a turn, then the enemy?

2) do enemies make attacks? If so how do you work out their skills?

Thanks for all your help!!

Hey, guys, I am a first time GM who is a little overwhelmed trying to start a campaign!

Hey, guys, I am a first time GM who is a little overwhelmed trying to start a campaign!

Hey, guys, I am a first time GM who is a little overwhelmed trying to start a campaign! My players have decided to play as a cult and honestly I don’t know how to craft a campaign for it, I’m thinking of them starting out facing down Bazso Baz as in the quickstart campaign with him asking them to do some culty stuff for him (human sacrifice and the like) so that he can have more weird power. I’m in the early planning stages of this and im a little overwhelmed. any tips or tricks?

So I plan to run Blades as a one-shot for RPG Day this Saturday.

So I plan to run Blades as a one-shot for RPG Day this Saturday.

So I plan to run Blades as a one-shot for RPG Day this Saturday. I’ve seen the “Starting as a Gang” doc in the “About Community” tab, and I’ve played the game plenty of times with my friends. However instead of using time at the table to sparse the rules to new players, they’ll have the rules reference sheets in front of them, what are some things I should point out or say that’ll get them to play the game as intended?

Does anyone have a canonical map of the lost district?

Does anyone have a canonical map of the lost district?

Does anyone have a canonical map of the lost district?

Im asking as one of my games I GM have the silver Nails on the cusp of finishing both their clocks, essentially reclaiming the lost district.

I was thinking of using: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator but I figured if there was an actual map of it somewhere that would world even better.

Additionally has anyone else had to resurrect the lost district?

What advice can you offer?




Heya! So still new to BitD and wrapping my head around certain things, but there’s been a few times where someone wanted to immediately intervene when another PC fails their check. The most recent example:

Our Hound has boarded a boat carrying the Red Sash’s war treasury. He’s successfully subdued a couple of guys with the help of our Cutter but failed a Prowl check to hide when he heard more people coming from below deck. I immediately had the guards attack as part of the consequence (hindsight, might’ve been too brutal, even for a failed desparate roll) and our Spider who’s sitting on their clunky boat that managed to slide alongside them with a rifle.

So, the Spider wants to use his rifle to stop one of the attackers before they actually attack. Was I correct in assuming that he was protecting his teammate and have him roll resistance? Even though our sword carrying Red Sash wouldn’t have been able to actually attack him so the whole “stepping in to take the consequences” didn’t make sense?

I can ellaborate more if necessary. It’s just that there’s been a lot of Protect Teammate move when what’s described would definitely help stop said Mook from causing harm but wouldn’t necessarily divert the consequence of Harm to the Protector.

So my little brothers saw my shiny special edition book and I’m not the deceptive sort so I told them exactly what…

So my little brothers saw my shiny special edition book and I’m not the deceptive sort so I told them exactly what…

So my little brothers saw my shiny special edition book and I’m not the deceptive sort so I told them exactly what it is, they want to play Blades some time in the future. So I need help with figuring out how to play it with 7 year olds that still don’t have a complete grasp on language and one of them has been kind of yelly when we have previously played role playing games. I’m not sure I can explain the various parts of the game well enought, any suggestions?

Question regarding the Leech’s Venomous special ability: do you pick one toxin when you get the ability or can you…

Question regarding the Leech’s Venomous special ability: do you pick one toxin when you get the ability or can you…

Question regarding the Leech’s Venomous special ability: do you pick one toxin when you get the ability or can you pick one on the fly for each mission, the way you do flashbacks and pick what gear you’ve brought with you?




I have a few questions about downtime and freeplay activities.

1) How do you decide if a downtime activity have a consequence. For example, if somebody uses a downtime activity to lower heat by beating up someone. Should a 4-5 roll also decide if the player get wounded ? Or if the guy will plot revenge ?

2) Can freeplay actions have mechanical consequences ? For example, if you go talk to somebody and try to sway him into helping you, can it become a contact ? Or should it be considered as a long-term project ? And therefore, how do you draw the line between freeplay and long-term project ?

Thank you for your help !