Does anyone have thoughts on the Slide special ability “Adaptation?”  It reads “Take 1 stress to substitute one…

Does anyone have thoughts on the Slide special ability “Adaptation?”  It reads “Take 1 stress to substitute one…

Does anyone have thoughts on the Slide special ability “Adaptation?”  It reads “Take 1 stress to substitute one action rating for another”  It seems absurd to me, for two reasons, first just on pure value, being able to make the trade of 1 stress for 2 or even 3 or 4 dice (later in the game) is incredible, also it seems like it trivializes the decision making of deciding what your character is good at, with this you can pick one thing to max out and be incidentally good at everything.

Obviously it has some downsides associated with it, and maybe it isn’t so absurd during play.  I haven’t seen it in play because everyone I’ve played with has been avoiding it for the reasons I mentioned.  Has anyone had a player try to “break the game” with this?  How did it feel?

My initial reaction is that it will be changed before the full game is released, but maybe I am crazy?

(My first thought on how to change it would be make it only swap actions within a category)

John Harper Hi there, I’m trying to organise a PbF on RPGGeek…

John Harper Hi there, I’m trying to organise a PbF on RPGGeek…

John Harper Hi there, I’m trying to organise a PbF on RPGGeek (here: I wanted to check with you if it’s ok to share the Quick Start PDF with the people taking part in the game (4 persons total), as they haven’t backed the campaign.

Are there form-fillable .pdfs of the character sheets around?

Are there form-fillable .pdfs of the character sheets around?

Are there form-fillable .pdfs of the character sheets around?

Both times I’ve run/played BitD (as a one-shot convention game), character creation and crew creation have taken a long time.

To speed that up, I’d like to set up 10 pre-gens. 5 of them would be archetypical versions of the character classes. 5 of them would be the character classes with a bit of a spin (a Cutter with a bunch of points in Cloak, for instance).

Has anyone else found character creation takes quite a while (30-40 minutes)? I can’t quite figure out why it takes that long … it could be because we’re orienting ourselves to the world of Duskwall at the same time.

Is there an idea or material for a con demo? I plan to offer Blades in the Dark at Nordcon in Hamburg.

Is there an idea or material for a con demo? I plan to offer Blades in the Dark at Nordcon in Hamburg.

Is there an idea or material for a con demo? I plan to offer Blades in the Dark at Nordcon in Hamburg.

A question: the game informs me that it is best practice to not keep secrets from the players (for very long at…

A question: the game informs me that it is best practice to not keep secrets from the players (for very long at…

A question: the game informs me that it is best practice to not keep secrets from the players (for very long at least), but rather find excuses to reveal the plot points. Therefor, I feel that if there is some nefarious party working against the players it should be represented by a clock, and not simply sprung on the players. Clocks are put on the table for all to see, there is no such thing as a private or GM only clock to my knowledge. The title of a clock could be a spoiler (ex: “The Lost: Tracking you to your lair”).

I’m leaning towards using as vague a title as possible for my clocks, (ex: “The Lost: scouting in retaliation “) but the impression I’m getting is that I should fully explain up front what will  happen when a clock runs out. What is in the spirit of the game? For my players, what would you prefer?

I’m having trouble importing the full city Duskwall map to roll20, anyone else have this problem / have a fix?

I’m having trouble importing the full city Duskwall map to roll20, anyone else have this problem / have a fix?

I’m having trouble importing the full city Duskwall map to roll20, anyone else have this problem / have a fix?

Doing a little reading to get into the mood of Duskwall, and stumbled across this – a list of businesses from…

Doing a little reading to get into the mood of Duskwall, and stumbled across this – a list of businesses from…

Doing a little reading to get into the mood of Duskwall, and stumbled across this – a list of businesses from Dishonored. Might be handy for scores or even a little inspiration.

On The Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh:  This faction is getting me really excited.  At first glance, it sounds…

On The Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh:  This faction is getting me really excited.  At first glance, it sounds…

On The Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh:  This faction is getting me really excited.  At first glance, it sounds super depraved, and by our outsider perspective, maybe it is.  But after reading up on them a bit, they’re starting to make a lot of sense.  So from my approximation, here’s why they’re the closest thing to a “state religion” in Duskwall / The Imperium.

In a world where the gates of the afterlife have been blown open, spirits walk the earth, and are the single greatest threat to human life as they become more and more feral over time, the spirit is not revered the way it is in our world, it is reviled.  The Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh refers to the spirit as “The Devil Inside,” in their dogma the spirit is not who you are, it is a corrupting influence, the essence of the self is the body.

As such, they preach both indulging the pleasures of the flesh, and also preserving and caring for the flesh.  In my group’s fiction for example the Church sponsors various brothels, drug dens, and bathhouses, and they are trying to get legislation passed that would require all brothels to be registered with the church.

The greatest achievement for a Disciple of the Ecstasy of the Flesh is to become a Hollow.  Where from our outsider perspective the concept is associated with zombies and horror, to the Church, it is the greatest purity of being that a person can achieve.  Of course such creatures tend to be mindless servants of the church…