GM: “Sounds pretty difficult to me!

GM: “Sounds pretty difficult to me!

GM: “Sounds pretty difficult to me! There are a few lamps in the courtyard. If any of the guards happen to glance in that direction, they’ll spot you. Plus, I don’t think you can make it across in one quick dash. Limited effect. You’ll make it halfway across, then we’ll see what happens.”

I am finally making my way through the rules and this thing here stood out to me. The example stops there but let’s say the player goes for it, makes a full success and is now in the middle of the yard. They need to roll a second time to get to where they want. When they roll the second time and get a failure their first roll was for not in a lot of ways.

The only real cool thing I can imagine here is the player fully making the first roll and then only a partial success in her second roll. So she makes it across but now they are on her trail and she needs to run from guard while still. Ring where she wants to be. Still…

My Burning Wheel brain just screams because of let it ride and this feeling like I am fishing for the players failure.

Will continue to read and see if this gets explained better. Maybe this just is a thing in this game and I need to live with it but it seems off to me.

So…I have a question about claims:

So…I have a question about claims:

So…I have a question about claims:

What if a Crew wants to acquire an illicit business unspecified in the claim map?

Should I just give them Turf?

Should I just handle it narratively (without the “mechanical” reward that all other claims give)?

Should I just invent a new kind of  claim (with mechanical reward)?

Maybe all of the above are correct (depending on the situation), but…what do you guys think? How have you handled this sort of things? 

Scores against higher tier factions

Scores against higher tier factions

Scores against higher tier factions

Can the actions of a Tier 0 crew effect a Tier 4 faction?

I’ve been eyeballing my Score: The Apex and wondering if it is basically impossible as a starting situation for a fresh crew, because the odds are very much against a Tier 0 crew, and not until Tier 2 would they have any reasonable shot.

Say the fresh Tier 0 crew’s Lurk is trying to pick a lock on a crumbling terrace belonging to the Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh. Is the Lurk’s effect on the lock dropped by four levels, one for each tier difference?

The Lurk could use fine lock picks to reduce the tier difference by one, as well as take extra time to reduce it one more. But extra time would probably worsen their position if there was a risk of discovery by guard patrols or other stuff.

Yet, even with all that, the Lurk would have no effect on the lock. That is unless they rolled a critical, getting increased effect, then they could have limited effect on the lock. So basically impossible to pick.

Moreover, if it was a fine lock (or fine safe, fine door, etc.) belonging to the Church then they ain’t ever beating it. Likewise, a fresh crew ain’t ever picking a lock belonging to Ironhook Prison.

Am I grokking the rules right?

It all sounds right and makes sense fictionally. I’m just starting to realise I may need to re-calibrate how difficult it is for a crew to act against a higher faction, and work on getting that across to players. 

I have a question about Faction Advancement.

I have a question about Faction Advancement.

I have a question about Faction Advancement. When you gain enough Rep you may either increase your Hold or your Tier by 1. Why would you ever want to increase your Hold instead of your Tier? Tier appears to be used for a number of different rolls and Hold is used for nothing. If I’m Tier 1 with a weak Hold and I advance I can either become Tier 2 with weak Hold or Tier 1 with firm Hold. If i’m attacked and lose 1 Hold, regardless of my choice I end up back at Tier 1 with weak Hold again. It seems like Tier is the obvious choice for every upgrade then?

I recall from a previous version that you couldn’t go up a Tier without tearing another faction with weak hold down a Tier, but that is gone now (and maybe has been for awhile, I may have missed a revision or 2). It seems like hopping up Tiers is much easier now, but, of course, staying there can be as hard as the GM would like it to be. Any thoughts on the ease of moving up Tiers as well?

I love lots of the subtle changes in v4.

I love lots of the subtle changes in v4.

I love lots of the subtle changes in v4. The enhanced engagement results in are great inspiration, as well as the beefed up interface with incarceration. I’m completely thrilled by the teaser for prison claims in the full game. In longer play with the previous systems, I felt somewhat stymied in giving the Bluecoats and Inspectors teeth.

Oh, I also like the new rep/tier/hold/claims systems. They all seem to better fit the fictional expectations in a way that’s more natural and intuitive. It seems that there may be more movement between tiers which I think is great. Lots more tentative intrigue games and power plays in order for the crew to appear better than it is, only to be brought low by enemies who want to assert their own positions. I like it that it feels much easier for NPC factions to hit the PC crew in a way that makes it hurt but isn’t the end of the world.

People, give me some fast advice about the “Quality” part of the Crew Sheet (v4 rules).

People, give me some fast advice about the “Quality” part of the Crew Sheet (v4 rules).

People, give me some fast advice about the “Quality” part of the Crew Sheet (v4 rules).

I see “Gear”, “Implements”, “Supply” and “Tools”. I see these 4 words as synonyms, really similar each other.

Could you help me to differentiate them for my players, helping them to choose one of another?