GM: “Sounds pretty difficult to me! There are a few lamps in the courtyard. If any of the guards happen to glance in that direction, they’ll spot you. Plus, I don’t think you can make it across in one quick dash. Limited effect. You’ll make it halfway across, then we’ll see what happens.”
I am finally making my way through the rules and this thing here stood out to me. The example stops there but let’s say the player goes for it, makes a full success and is now in the middle of the yard. They need to roll a second time to get to where they want. When they roll the second time and get a failure their first roll was for not in a lot of ways.
The only real cool thing I can imagine here is the player fully making the first roll and then only a partial success in her second roll. So she makes it across but now they are on her trail and she needs to run from guard while still. Ring where she wants to be. Still…
My Burning Wheel brain just screams because of let it ride and this feeling like I am fishing for the players failure.
Will continue to read and see if this gets explained better. Maybe this just is a thing in this game and I need to live with it but it seems off to me.