So…I have a question about claims:

So…I have a question about claims:

So…I have a question about claims:

What if a Crew wants to acquire an illicit business unspecified in the claim map?

Should I just give them Turf?

Should I just handle it narratively (without the “mechanical” reward that all other claims give)?

Should I just invent a new kind of  claim (with mechanical reward)?

Maybe all of the above are correct (depending on the situation), but…what do you guys think? How have you handled this sort of things? 

3 thoughts on “So…I have a question about claims:”

  1. I’d just treat it like any other score, except it’s a serious attack on a faction and might give some other benefit for the crew. I wouldn’t hesitate to give a claim a benefit, they’re not that powerful particularly because the crew has to hold onto the claim to retain the benefit.

    What that benefit is would depend on the detail of the business. I’d look at what does the business generate, work out how it might improve thieving or other business. I’d also consider adding to the default roadmap, connecting to an existing claim, deeper down a path if it’s particularly useful or create a crossroad earlier along a path if it’s only small fry. Adding to the roadmap makes it easier in some ways for the crew to seize the claim, if only because they don’t have to investigate and gather info on that claim. If they already know the business they want to seize, then there’s probably no need to add to the roadmap.   

  2. This will be easier when you have the full game. 🙂

    With the limited stuff in the quick start… probably just make up your own claim benefit or call it turf.

  3. Thanks! That was kind the answer I was hoping for 🙂

    In the meanwhile, I’m working on something  on my own , a “decontructed” claim map to meet my players’ requests 😀

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