I need to talk this out.
Blades has been successful. Far too successful. Players are unexpectedly coming out of the woodwork to join the ghost-drug dealing scoundrels in Crows Foot.
I started with 8 players, already too many, with the idea that we are all (real life)academics, and the odds of getting all 8 back in the same room would be… unlikely given our typical schedules. So far so good. This has for the most part borne out. However, I’ve foolishly added 3 additional players from the department to my group because I’m an idiot.
Here are my options as I see them.
1. Keep on keeping on. Attrition has to happen, it has in every other group of archaeologists, and it must in this one too. Right? Good because no one is excluded, bad because the game will suffer, and less fun will be had. Maybe the group will shrink as a result?
2. Split the group and crew. Have them work at cross purposes Bloodletters/Rollplay style. Fun because it gets a spirit of competition going, a shared sandbox which gets even more complicated and strange. Bad because I barely have time to run a single group due to my workload, let alone two. I suppose I can get a co-GM?
3. Kick people out. Not only not ideal, but a bad idea, and also fundamentally what I’m trying to avoid. See Sean Nittners actual plays for why pissing off Academics is a bad idea. While actual drama wouldn’t result, I like all of my players(that’s why I let them in) and genuinely want to find a way to include everyone.
So there it is! I’ll run one more with everyone invited in two weeks to just see what happens. Maybe half the group will not be able to make it because of deadlines and there will be no problems.Or I’ll run a 10-12 person game of Blades… Thoughts?