A quick Rules Clarification if you guys would be so kind:

A quick Rules Clarification if you guys would be so kind:

A quick Rules Clarification if you guys would be so kind:

Does Fine Equipment give you increased Effect Level (1-3 becomes 4-5, 4-5 becomes 6, 6 becomes crit) during downtime rolls? Or does Fine equipment only affect non-downtime rolls?

9 thoughts on “A quick Rules Clarification if you guys would be so kind:”

  1. I don’t think this is explicitly stated anywhere, but I highly doubt it would. You don’t have Load during downtime, so you aren’t using that, I assume.

    Also, Fine stuff is usually used in more directly adversarial contexts. A Fine blade in a skirmish. Fine documents during a Bluecoat inspection, etc.

    Increased effect levels during downtime are the kind of thing that qualifies for a playbook advance. (See the Spider playbook.)

    EDIT: From a purely non-abusive perspective, if a Lurk could use a Fine Shadowcloak to Hunt people during downtime to work on a Long-Term Project, they could never actually get a 1-3 effect. That’s extremely prone to abuse and not very fun at all.

  2. I wouldn’t have them affect downtime actions because fine items raise your quality/tier and downtime actions aren’t affected by quality or tier.

    For instance inf you were working on a research grant and you were tier 2, you wouldn’t have a bonus effect, so you also shouldn’t if you’re tier 1 and have fine documents (making them effectively tier 2).

    From the book, page 24, “Fine items count as +1 bonus in quality, stacking with Tier.”

  3. i disagree with Sean Nittner and ask why wouldn’t they affect downtime actions if they are applicable.

    Sure, using a fine weapon to beat someone up to reduce heat is probably a “no”, because that does ignore tier and effect anyway.

    Fine tools, like James Etheridge said, while crafting something with them would be a “yes”, because it matters.

  4. I think we’re mixing up the improved result level and higher tier. Yes, a fine item should affect your baseline tier for downtime actions that depend on tier (acquire asset and crafting) but they shouldn’t increase your results (1-3 turns to 4-5, 4-5 turns to 6, 6 to crit).

    So, they will help with some types of actions (AA and crafting) but not others (Vice, LTP, Recovery, Reduce Heat).

  5. So Fine equipment would count as higher Tier even for downtime actions, but it wouldn’t give increased Result Level. Thank you guys very much for the help and clarification, I really appreciate it. 🙂

  6. Uh, dice results aren’t “effect level.” They’re “result level.” Fine items don’t impact your dice result.

    A Fine item improves your effective Tier by 1 and it might increase your effect level (Limited < Standard < Great).

  7. I fixed mine as well. Vocabulary is important I screwed it up, but I’m glad people understood what I was trying to ask. Thank you John for correcting us, and thank you everybody for helping me understand how this part is meant to work. 🙂

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