Looking up how things are going for Blades, is the version 7.1all that is available right now for packers or is…

Looking up how things are going for Blades, is the version 7.1all that is available right now for packers or is…

Looking up how things are going for Blades, is the version 7.1all that is available right now for packers or is there more? On the KS page there is timetable for release giving November, 2016/December 2016 for the final text, is this going to be released for backers to read?

Sorry if I have missed an update or two. 🙂

Is there any stretch goal stuff that has seen the light of day? I’m naturally most intrigued about The Doomed – being superhero fan.

When you gain experience from playing well your Background is the point going to playbook blades or to the attribute…

When you gain experience from playing well your Background is the point going to playbook blades or to the attribute…

When you gain experience from playing well your Background is the point going to playbook blades or to the attribute blades where you placed you action point? 




Last session (first) ended on the premise that players decided to go and take a handler of stolen goods away from Dimmer Sisters and to add him/her to their area. The result for the plan was “2”.

Should I start the next game in how bad situation? They are not in war yet, but the Dimmer Sisters have sent hollow watchers to watch their HQ and perhaps aided the Ghosts to be stronger in there too.

Starting a mini BitD campaign today with six (!!!) players – any helpping advices on running the game and expecially…

Starting a mini BitD campaign today with six (!!!) players – any helpping advices on running the game and expecially…

Starting a mini BitD campaign today with six (!!!) players – any helpping advices on running the game and expecially for the first session would be appreciated.

The basic premise is that the characters come back to turf and start taking it over. Other stuff we device in the game. I’m a bit worried about the player number, six seems really big group – but as this our dnd group I take all in.

Thinking about Unhallowed Metropolis style game with Blades, has anyone done something like this?

Thinking about Unhallowed Metropolis style game with Blades, has anyone done something like this?

Thinking about Unhallowed Metropolis style game with Blades, has anyone done something like this? More on the point, do Aristocrat, Dhampir, Mourner or Doctor need their own playbooks or do the base five work well enough?

Will the Superhero add on have same abilities? Blade, Book, Cloak, Mask or something different?

Will the Superhero add on have same abilities? Blade, Book, Cloak, Mask or something different?

Will the Superhero add on have same abilities? Blade, Book, Cloak, Mask or something different?