We start a game for BitD.

We start a game for BitD.

We start a game for BitD. As we have quite large group of 6 players, and while duplicate playbooks is an option, is there any playtest version for The Leech and/or The Spider anywhere? Atm. one alchemist/bomb maker is going to be build on Whisper, but The Leech might be better.

4 thoughts on “We start a game for BitD.”

  1. How did this go?

    I am interested in running this for 6 people as well.

    John Harper saying he doesn’t like to run this for large groups makes me nervous but I am still keen to give it a try.

  2. It went well, but 6 is a lot. The contacts from playbooks create a huge web of people and at start I needed to push the group into one direction. After a while it grew more sandboxy, but I do think I had a bit too much to handle with six. The end result was really good, we went really dark fast, as ghost grew important for couple characters and this drew the full group with them

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