Can someone clarify what a Turf is? I’m quite confused about it.

Can someone clarify what a Turf is? I’m quite confused about it.

Can someone clarify what a Turf is? I’m quite confused about it.

What does it do? How should I imagine a Turf? Is that a building? A house? Apartment? A Field? etc

We are Italian and AFAIK there is no direct traduction for this word besides “A grass field”, and this tells me nothing to be honest.

First session help?

First session help?

First session help?

Hi, i’m gonna GM the first session, i read the book about 3 times now and i’d like some advice on how much to prepare, and how should i go to make sure everything is set up.

We are using the standard situation: War in Crow’s Foot as described in the book (PC are at red sashes base to pay tribute and they will be asked about their intentions and loyalty).

Since anything can happen i’m really not sure how to set up things, i’m not even sure if I should actually plan something or “Let it flow” and see what happens.

Thanks in advance

Question about healing in downtime:

Question about healing in downtime:

Question about healing in downtime:

“You may heal yourself if you have the Physicker special ability, but you take 2 stress when you do so. You can also choose to simply tough it out and attempt to heal without any treatment—in this case, take 1 stress and roll 0d.”

Does this means that if I want to heal myself wihtout treatment I should roll 2d and take the lowest one despite my Tinker score?

Thanks in advance

Question about entanglements?

Question about entanglements?

Question about entanglements?

In some of the entanglements is stated what happens if the player rolls 1-3 or 4-5 but not what happens if he rolls 6. So, how should i treat 6?


The cops grab an NPC member of your crew or one of the crew’s contacts, to question them about your crimes. Who do they think is most vulnerable? Make a fortune roll to see how much they talk (1-3: +2 heat, 4/5: +1 heat), or pay the constables off with 2 coin.”