Question about healing in downtime:

Question about healing in downtime:

Question about healing in downtime:

“You may heal yourself if you have the Physicker special ability, but you take 2 stress when you do so. You can also choose to simply tough it out and attempt to heal without any treatment—in this case, take 1 stress and roll 0d.”

Does this means that if I want to heal myself wihtout treatment I should roll 2d and take the lowest one despite my Tinker score?

Thanks in advance

3 thoughts on “Question about healing in downtime:”

  1. I believe that option is there for anyone, not just those with Physicker. You can just decide that trying to seek an asset to help you is too hard, and try to just walk it off.

  2. So yeah, that option ignores your Tinker. But I guess a character with Physicker would only take this option when they feel they can take 1 Stress, but can’t afford 2.

  3. One is sitting back and letting it heal itself (1 stress, 0d); the other is using Tinker to doctor yourself (2 stress, Tinker dice). Tinkering without Physiker would probably be desperate cos you dont kno human anatomy

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