With the first session in view I wonder …

With the first session in view I wonder …

With the first session in view I wonder …

… how do you handle PvP? 

First of all I wonder about “No – I dont participate in this teamwork – or I even work against this?” Lets say the cultists in the cellar, your guys go in, point is all murder – but one player rejects, doesnt participate or even hinders the action?

Second question would be about how PvP conflicts would work?

I guess the question about PvP is quite expected and maybe even some kind of boring – I would expect that it doesnt even come up in a a session. but then – I kind of know my player and not being in unison is usually a thing.

A question about taking point…

A question about taking point…

A question about taking point…

In the Quickstart it says: 

“You become backup after you use any special move on point. You take point when you follow-through as backup.”

As a follow-through seems to only trigger from the character on point performing the setup move, I’m wondering who is on point after an overcome or lead a group action moves are chosen?

Is point open to anyone after those other moves? Do you have to pay stress to place someone on point in those cases?

After finally finishing the QS and prepping for a round I got a few question.

After finally finishing the QS and prepping for a round I got a few question.

After finally finishing the QS and prepping for a round I got a few question.

Is it possible, or rather, how well would it work if two players would decide to pic the same character type?

What happens if the fourth “desperate roll” box is ticked and there is another desperate roll?

I am as well wondering a bit about the stress a character may receive. It might be that the character is in a rather dense situation, a deadly fight, close to an explosion or falling off a cliff. Maybe alltogether ^^

Though according to the rules if he mostly starts in this situation the worst he may suffer if he gets a 6 on the desperate roll would be 4 stress if its followed up by a 1-3 on the effect roll, 2 stress if he checks armor?

(I feel like I am overlooking something @_@;)

Another question, regarding the item list.

Does a character have access to all those item on his sheet at no expense? Otherwise I’d assume they overload their characters and dump the stuff not needed in their vault ^^;

A literary touchstone that I thought of immediately when I heard about Blades, but haven’t seen come up yet – AMONG…

A literary touchstone that I thought of immediately when I heard about Blades, but haven’t seen come up yet – AMONG…

A literary touchstone that I thought of immediately when I heard about Blades, but haven’t seen come up yet – AMONG THIEVES by Douglas Hulick. The lead is a thief spying on one gang for another, and there’s some major Faction-on-Faction operations, plus some amazing swordplay.   #Touchstones


After reading the quickstart a few times, I came up with this (fairly extensive) list of things that I’d appreciate…

After reading the quickstart a few times, I came up with this (fairly extensive) list of things that I’d appreciate…

After reading the quickstart a few times, I came up with this (fairly extensive) list of things that I’d appreciate some more detail on, or that I found a bit confusing.  Most (if not all) of it could fairly easily be decided or handwaved during play, but it would be great to hear what the intended functionality is.

Blades in the Dark questions:

Scale: Examples of Scale modifiers? When is this used?

Large Weapons: What does having a large weapon do?  Clearly it has a cost associated with it, is this an example of scale?

Lasting effects: Should all lasting effects have a recovery clock? Or should some be permanent instead?  For example, at one point you describe a situation where a PC can either take 4 stress or a knife to the eye, how would you play that scenario if the player doesn’t spend the stress?  Losing an eye seems like it could be non-lethal, but a permanent disability.

Downtime Recovery Roll:  it says 1d for each action dot, which action, and who’s dots?  This question also goes for the other downtime rolls, “reduce heat” and “work on a long-term project”, although those are a bit clearer, that you would describe how you go about accomplishing those tasks and use an applicable skill.  In the recovery roll however it seems reasonable to expect that the success may depend on the skill of an NPC, (a hired healer for instance) and I was under the impression NPCs do not have Action dots.

Entanglements: When you roll Development, there are no entanglements listed for 0 heat.  Do you get no entanglement instead?

Retirement Stash:  What represents this in-universe? Presumably that’s up for the players to decide and narrate, but should it come up in game?  Can your stash get stolen?  If so, in what way is it different from other forms of coin in the game?

Effect rolls:  As a counterpart to action rolls, it says very clearly that the action that is rolled is always decided by the player, is that also true for effects?  I didn’t see that mentioned, how is it decided when there is overlap?  For example, if an assassin sneaks into a bedchamber and slips a noble’s throat, is it a finesse or force roll? or something else?  What if he wakes and struggles at the last second?

NPC Faction Project Clocks:  In the quick start story, but also for using this mechanic in other stories, when should the faction clocks advance without PC intervention? One segment each session?  If the PCs didn’t exist, or decided to sit around doing nothing, or went to do completely unrelated jobs in another part of the city, what should happen to these clocks?  Do the crows reestablish control of the district before either of the other factions are destroyed since they have a 6 segment clock?  But then does the turf war just end between the lampblacks and red sashes since it is back under crow control and no longer up for grabs?

Trauma:  It says, ” You may choose to be “left for dead” or otherwise dropped out of the current conflict” is there a reason to do this mechanically? or can you just stand up and continue with 0 stress?  it says May, but I’m not sure what sort of hard choice a player would be making here.

Devil’s Bargain:  The answer to my question here seems fairly obvious to me, but because of the way it’s written it seems reasonable to ask.  It says anyone can offer a devil’s bargain, but I imagine it is the GM’s prerogative to confirm or deny that a bargain is reasonable, or to choose which of several suggested bargains to offer.  (This wouldn’t happen in most reasonable groups, but I could imagine someone offering a trivial bargain)

Snowballing moves:  A bit of clarification on how this works would be good.  For the controlled crit, how does it differ from just saying you’re going to take another action?

For the failure clauses where you try again with greater risk, on the desperate 1-5 or risky 1-3, I’m guessing that face the effect of the danger whether you decide to roll again or not?  the roll doesn’t replace this?  And when you roll again from a desperate roll, how does the risk increase? by having a more serious effect to resist?

Desperate move advancement:  this is hinted at but I didn’t see it actually said in the quick start.  Do you take a tick of “wild experience” every time you roll a desperate move?  what about when the desperate move was rolled because you failed a risky move? or if you roll multiple desperate moves for the same reason?

John Harper In the mapping hangout (which was very fun to listen to, BTW), you mentioned the possibility of…

John Harper In the mapping hangout (which was very fun to listen to, BTW), you mentioned the possibility of…

John Harper In the mapping hangout (which was very fun to listen to, BTW), you mentioned the possibility of uploading the updated Duskwall map at some point.  Any idea what the timeline for that might be?  You guys added so many cool elements to the city that I really want to incorporate them into our game.  Apologies if you mention this towards the end of hangout (I’m only 2.5 hours in at this point 🙂

Just found out about this and started reading the sample…pretty good description of the areas the Blades will be…

Just found out about this and started reading the sample…pretty good description of the areas the Blades will be…

Just found out about this and started reading the sample…pretty good description of the areas the Blades will be living and working in.



[EDIT: Never mind. Sorry, now I see the check box for the single use of the special armor.]

[EDIT: Never mind. Sorry, now I see the check box for the single use of the special armor.]

[EDIT: Never mind. Sorry, now I see the check box for the single use of the special armor.]

It doesn’t look like the armor from special abilities can be marked off or restored by downtime. Does that mean a Cutter with Battleborn can always apply the special armor to avoid physical attack effects?

That seems wrong, so what am I missing? 

I didn’t see it from my first pass of the quick start, but do vices or character flaws of any sort mechanically…

I didn’t see it from my first pass of the quick start, but do vices or character flaws of any sort mechanically…

I didn’t see it from my first pass of the quick start, but do vices or character flaws of any sort mechanically factor into rolls while pursuing a score? For instance, would an avaricious vice for luxuries tempt a blade to more foolish or distracting choices on a run if there is loot at hand? A stalking action might be justifiably more desperate if I’m craving a fix or fighting the urge to just smash and grab all the things. Would a player ever roll to resist an effect caused/threatened by his or her own flaws (ie insecurity, penchant for always getting lost, paranoia, being jaded, sloth, lust, etc)?

Seems prime territory for devil’s bargains: “You’re supposed to sit tight and wait for the rest of the crew to get in place, but you’re wasted and he offended you. You can get +1d but you act out of your impaired judgement, jumping the gun, throwing the ruse, and probably not being as coordinated as you think you are.” But what about -1d or some other narrative effects?