Does anyone have form-fillable pdf versions of the character and crew sheets?
Does anyone have form-fillable pdf versions of the character and crew sheets?
Does anyone have form-fillable pdf versions of the character and crew sheets?
Does anyone have form-fillable pdf versions of the character and crew sheets?
Does anyone have form-fillable pdf versions of the character and crew sheets?
It makes great intuitive sense to me that when you have Trauma 0 you would have Vice 4, and as you add Trauma you…
It makes great intuitive sense to me that when you have Trauma 0 you would have Vice 4, and as you add Trauma you reduce Vice.
The more you’ve seen and the harder your life has been, the more difficult it is to relax with your favorite simple pleasures. Your needs grow more rapacious and more complex.
Beginners recover from stress easily. Veterans incur less stress, but also recover more slowly, until finally they must retire.
Starting characters find it pretty easy to clear off stress between missions. It is harder for those who are more hard bitten to shrug off their stress; a group would prefer to put stress on the new guys and not the veterans, because the new guys can recover faster.
What is the counter-case? How does it make sense that Vice is more effective on the more Trauma laden characters?
I had a chilling and somewhat distressing thought for how the basic engine of Blades in the Dark could be employed.
I had a chilling and somewhat distressing thought for how the basic engine of Blades in the Dark could be employed. You could re-skin it for criminal trials.
The PCs are a law firm of defense lawyers. They have “gangs” who handle research and evidence adjustment and so on. The entire game takes place in the courtroom for the case, but there are liberal flashbacks and such, and there are developments between big cases. Examples may include useful plea bargains or difficulties in relationships with big clients who have the firm on retainer. Rivals, or the attention of the law.
The GM puts the witness in the stand, and the PCs scramble to use flashbacks to bribe, discredit, or otherwise counter damning evidence or testimony. if they successfully sway the jury (represented by countering all the “clocks” of evidence or other disadvantages) their client goes free.
That’s seriously unpleasant, but I bet there are game groups that would enjoy it. =) I lack the expertise in law to develop it, but I think someone else could, and it could be a winning format for such a subject matter.
I just discovered this game the other week from the mention in the roll20 apocalypse world campaign and I became an instant fan. That said I’m sorry if this was mentioned somewhere else but I just can’t find it; is there any option for like a ‘slacker backer’ who didn’t know about the campaign until after it was finished?
The second recording is up! I don’t think anyone ended up tuning in, but we had a great time! …
The second recording is up! I don’t think anyone ended up tuning in, but we had a great time!
My wife and I have been burning through The West Wing on Netflix and it got me pondering.
My wife and I have been burning through The West Wing on Netflix and it got me pondering… What do you think of a BitD hack for a political party? Just another group of scoundrels as far as I can tell…
Playbooks for Chief of Staff, Communications Director, Press Secretary…
Rituals: You can attune to use strange idiosyncratic rituals to achieve any mundane effect you desire.
Rituals: You can attune to use strange idiosyncratic rituals to achieve any mundane effect you desire. Costs stress based on the magnitude of the desired effect (2-6). Answer the following questions:
• What is the mundane effect you want to achieve and how do you make it weird?
o I want to search the scene for traces of those who attacked. I do this by seeing the ghosts of the actions they left behind..
• What is the weird ritual you preform?
o I pull out my pipe and drop in a ball of the good stuff. You know, opium laced with crematory ash.
• Why does that work?
o That’s easy. You want to see beyond the veil, you gotta take a little trip there yourself.
• What is the price and to whom do you pay it?
o The price? Well the door swings both ways right? You borrow some death. They borrow some life.
• Where did you learn this technique?
o I bought some shit off this guy once and it turns out he gave me some of his personal stash by mistake. Now I’m a regular buyer.
What do you think of having each player use different coloured dice so that when they Assist, it’s easy to identify…
What do you think of having each player use different coloured dice so that when they Assist, it’s easy to identify whether their help was a key element of the success/failure? No need for any mechanical changes – just another way of feeding the fiction…
I felt this table needed to exist. That probably says more about me than anything else.
I felt this table needed to exist. That probably says more about me than anything else.
Streaming last week fell through unfortunately 🙁 but it was still a great session. Looks like it should go…
Streaming last week fell through unfortunately 🙁 but it was still a great session. Looks like it should go smoothly today though. If you want to watch us play BitD, we’ll start at 6pm Eastern at