For those interested, my Karma in the Dark game is now open for sign ups on The Gauntlet Hangouts!

For those interested, my Karma in the Dark game is now open for sign ups on The Gauntlet Hangouts!

For those interested, my Karma in the Dark game is now open for sign ups on The Gauntlet Hangouts!




Hello everyone. I think there are Brazilian fans here in the group just like me. I want to propose to you, my friends of country, that you introduce yourself to who knows, we can schedule a game or campaign of Blades In The Dark. What do you think?

Sunday Afternoon 4:30-7:30pm PDT, Most weeks, Seasons by Teir

No experience nessecary, check out the game on youtube to get an idea how it goes.

Voice with Video option. Used to be good at text but eyes get tired now adays.

I’m apparently bad at not doing creepy, so full horror slant!

You’ve done something terrible, haven’t we all?

In half shadows under clouds lit with artificial light.

You’ve lost your friend, have they taken the fall?

Run as you might, from your self you’ll never alight.

A pocket full of coin, yet tinkling into the bottle?

We’re all the same, holding together past the fight.

Hi All

Hi All

Hi All,

I’m looking for players to start a new bi-weekly Blades In The Dark campaign via Roll20 (running 1st and 3rd Friday in the month).

The sessions will be starting at 10pm UK time (to provide a vaguely friendly time to Europe, States and Australasia) and will run for 3 to 4 hours. If you’re not in the UK that’s this time:

The game will be set in U’Duasha, the city of fire and bronze (the City included in the Deluxe Kickstarter version of the rules). I’m really looking forward to playing a game with cultural influences from old Persia, Egypt, and India – I’ll probably be playing a lot of Prince of Persia between now and then.

This is my first time GM’ing BitD but I’ve been roleplaying for decades, and I’m a big fan of fiction first games like the various PbtA games, so I’m hoping I can do BitD justice.

There are full details of the game over here on Roll20:

First session will likely be used to resolve any techical issues, agree crew details, create characters and talk about our social contract. After that we can progress to the campaign proper in later sessions.



Note: Sign up on Roll20. Use the link above

Two players dropped from the game due to employment, one of which was very last minute.

Two players dropped from the game due to employment, one of which was very last minute.

Two players dropped from the game due to employment, one of which was very last minute. If you are looking for a Blades game tonight (Wednesday night, 7 pm ’till midnight Eastern), I got one here.





Looking to assemble some role-playing gamers for a campaign of Blades in the Dark that I would like to run, in person, locally in Northern California, specifically around Oakland/San Leandro/Hayward/Castro Valley area.

I would like to start with a few meet-ups at a game store or appropriate coffee house to make characters and learn the game. After that, I would prefer running things on my dinning room table as I can keep campaign materials (large maps, etc.) out, and available for my own use. (yes, I like some level of props).

As for myself, I have been an on and off GM for years, been a player here and there, but mostly enjoy the backstage, planning, and “playing the cast” aspect of GMing. I particularly enjoy the Powered by the Apocalypse style games, with a focus on storytelling with elegant rules, less numbers crunching, and more narrative control for the players.

As for my GM style, I strive to build an immersive world for the characters to act in, but I want the action to come from the characters. I am the type of GM that loves the role-play aspect, and wants your characters interacting as their characters, not as the players (not necessarily doing ‘voices’, but role-play all the same). That’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but the more role-play you put in, the more I reciprocate. That loop energizes me, and fuels my desire to tell a story as genuine to the game world as I can. If you want an immersive experience where we build our story together, that’s my GM style. But that requires buy in and work on the part of the players. Not all players want to do that.

I would like to get start as soon as we have a group of at least 3 players, and can figure out a date for the first meet up.

Hi, I’m a new player looking for a game to join.

Hi, I’m a new player looking for a game to join.

Hi, I’m a new player looking for a game to join. I don’t have much experience with the game outside of watching a few of the vids that John has gm’ed on RollPlay and his own YouTube series, but I really like the system. It’s really cool how so much of the game is based on the narrative and not a bunch of math or having the perfect plan or thing for a situation.

As for a bit about my play style, I’m a pretty laid back person and am pretty good at helping other players into the limelight as well as being in it too. I’ve only ever used Skype and Discord, but only use Discord now-a-days since it’s much less finicky.

I live in the US and am on EDT and open to any time slot as of now since I’m still searching for a job.

Hallo Ich suche für meine deutschsprachige “Blades in the Dark”-Gruppe noch ein paar Möchtegern Schurken, die das…

Hallo Ich suche für meine deutschsprachige “Blades in the Dark”-Gruppe noch ein paar Möchtegern Schurken, die das…

Hallo Ich suche für meine deutschsprachige “Blades in the Dark”-Gruppe noch ein paar Möchtegern Schurken, die das System kennen lernen und ggf. längerfristig die bestehende Schmugglergruppe unterstützen möchten.

Gespielt wird Online via Discord und Roll20, der Wochentag und die Uhrzeit sind variabel und werden je nach Möglichkeiten der einzelnen Teilnehmer festgelegt.

Bei Interesse und oder Fragen, schreibt mich einfach an.

Hi All

Hi All

Hi All,

Looking for players to start a new weekly Blades In The Dark campaign via Roll20.

The campaign will be running on UK time. Day of the week is flexible but my likely preference is Tuesday or Thursday evenings from 7-11pm (ish).

This should be enough time for at least one score and downtime each session.

I’m looking to play in the default Doskvol setting but really looking forward to exploring the fiction with players and seeing where the journey takes us. Hoping for plenty of player interaction to build the world. Style of game will be more theatre of the mind rather than drawn maps of locations (unless the score requires it of course).

This is my first time GM’ing this style of RPG, but I’m sure we can discover an awesome story together and after a few sessions I will have worked out most of the wrinkles.

Drop me a message if you would like to play. First session will likely be to set up characters and crew background perhaps with a short heist depending on time. After that we can progress to the campaign proper. Date of the first session will be determined dependant on how long it takes to gather players who can commit to regular play.

Looking for 3 players ideally.

Look forward to hearing from you,
