So anyone have anybody they haven’t told about Blades yet? We’ve only got a few days to go…

So anyone have anybody they haven’t told about Blades yet? We’ve only got a few days to go…

So anyone have anybody they haven’t told about Blades yet? We’ve only got a few days to go…

Something just occurred to me as I reread the Action descriptions in the Quickstart: As it stands, almost every…

Something just occurred to me as I reread the Action descriptions in the Quickstart: As it stands, almost every…

Something just occurred to me as I reread the Action descriptions in the Quickstart: As it stands, almost every Action is a verb. Which is cool, it makes it easy to grok what they’re about and helps encourage mechanical statements that flow more readily in conversation (e.g. “I Prowl past the guard” vs. “I use Stealth to sneak past the guard.”)

The one exception right now is Mayhem. Which is a great term, don’t get me wrong, but as the one noun in a list of verbs it sticks out to me. Now, maybe I’ve just been watching a little too much Archer lately, but might I humbly suggest, in lieu of “Mayhem,” the Action be called “Rampage?”

Apologies if this has already been asked and I just didn’t see it, but does Stress “wrap around” if you end up…

Apologies if this has already been asked and I just didn’t see it, but does Stress “wrap around” if you end up…

Apologies if this has already been asked and I just didn’t see it, but does Stress “wrap around” if you end up taking Trauma before you’ve marked off all the Stress to avoid an Effect?

e.g. Frost is sitting at 6 Stress and flubs a resist roll to avoid being shanked (1-3 result, 4 Stress to avoid). Two Stress is enough to push him over to his first Trauma and clear his Stress track, but does he have to soak the remaining two Stress on his “new” Stress track, or does ticking Trauma absorb all Stress from the current hit?

Is there a street racer, auto criminals setting for Blades in the works, ala Fast & Furious?

Is there a street racer, auto criminals setting for Blades in the works, ala Fast & Furious?

Is there a street racer, auto criminals setting for Blades in the works, ala Fast & Furious? Cause there totally should be!

So, it is possible that I’ll be running not one, but two games using the quickstart.

So, it is possible that I’ll be running not one, but two games using the quickstart.

So, it is possible that I’ll be running not one, but two games using the quickstart. Rather than try to keep two alternate Crow’s Foots distinct in my head (or, gods forbid, start keeping two meticulous sets of notes), I’m considering having both groups operate in a shared Duskwall.

However, as much as I like this idea, there is one problem: Crow’s Foot is too small for two sets of thieves to start working the ward without butting heads, and that seems like too much to manage considering both groups have irregular schedules.

My inclination is to move the second group to a different ward, and give them a different set of crews to play off of. No other criminal crews are as well-balanced against each other as the Crows/Lampblacks/Red Sashes, so I feel like I have two main options:

1) Throw the thieves into a situation driven by non-criminal groups, the scoundrels on the docks, for example.

2) Create 2-3 new criminal crews and put them into a equally but distinctly fraught situation as what’s going down in Crow’s Foot.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Am I underestimating the potential of everyone being in Crow’s Foot, or is there another option I’m missing?
