Look at these GM cards, then look at your Blades game, now back at these GM cards. Handful of diamonds!! #ImOnAMoat
Originally shared by Dirk Detweiler Leichty
Just put out the first set of GM art cards. Here’s the companion text!
Look at these GM cards, then look at your Blades game, now back at these GM cards. Handful of diamonds!! #ImOnAMoat
Look at these GM cards, then look at your Blades game, now back at these GM cards. Handful of diamonds!! #ImOnAMoat
Originally shared by Dirk Detweiler Leichty
Just put out the first set of GM art cards. Here’s the companion text!
Has John officially released or someone mocked up a blank crew sheet?
Has John officially released or someone mocked up a blank crew sheet? I’m making my own city for a game and would like to customize the factions list on the side.
I have a game tonight, so my players…keep out!
I have a game tonight, so my players…keep out!
Last time, Scurlock sent the Gaffers to recover some notes from an alchemist who was (theoretically) doing research for the vampire lord. The PCs found, not a research lab, but an industrial-scale production facility. Clearly the alchemist was up to something.
The question is, what sort of alchemy would require massive amounts (literal tons!) of powdered leviathan bone? I’m still not sure, so I thought I would see if any of my esteemed colleagues who are more versed in the alchemical arts might have theories.
All we know is that the unfortunate Lurk who got covered in the leviathan bone is a massive beacon for ghosts, spirits, balehounds, and the like…and whatever the end product is, it is worth angering Lord Scurlock by misappropriating his funds to make it.
John Harper Is it still possible to add the novel to a reward tier? I must have missed that update somehow.
John Harper Is it still possible to add the novel to a reward tier? I must have missed that update somehow.
Having played a couple of sessions I think I have some.
Having played a couple of sessions I think I have some… analysis? observations? ramblings? Dunno, ideas I guess, about Blades in the Dark. I’ll need some extended play to actually come up with substantial feedback for the overall game, but for now I have something that might worth a reading. My take after some sessions of play:
(Also: the g+ community exploded since the game got funded [yay!] so I couldn’t keep up with all posts. I apologize if I’m being reiterative. This comes from my own experience and is a completely personal take on the game).
We ended one session early, the guys had taken up a lot of stress this and last sessions (two of them even got trauma) and we wrapped up arguing about stress (or discussing, something in between). Some neat takes came from there (specially from Uriel and Diego, I’ll expand on that later), but one of the ideas that formed in my head from that argument was that the game is not about characters, its about the crew. Trauma might take your character away, he might even end up as a cool contact in the future, but the crew? The crew goes on. I think that vice overindulgence, gang mechanics and trauma support this. There are rules that complement the idea of a player having more than one character. Hell even coin is managed as a group. So:
I started to notice that we were playing two interconnected but markedly different games. Every score has its own set of priorities, challenges and rewards. Action and Effect rolls, Teamwork rules, etc. This is the score game, an inside perspective of the adrenaline fueled lives of a scoundrel. S**t blows up, blood is drawn and characters dodge the bullet, come up victorious or die trying.
But then there’s the crew game. Development, Downtime and, specially, Tier and faction status rules. This is when you zoom out and get to play a bigger game. The crew is a low-level character struggling to reach true “movers and shakers” status. The players speculate who they’re going to help and who they’re going to screw, deal with the fallout, get contacts, get intel, move the gears inside the Duskwall clock.
And here’s where it gets interesting: both games form a virtuous circle.
Lets start from the beginning: we five guys get together to survive in the streets of Duskwall through the dark arts of thievery. We move contacts, get a neat spot, and are approached by the Crows, they run the district, they are cool, they are powerful and above all, they are not starving. We want that, we will get there someday. But there are bills to pay, so we plan a score. Things get rough but we get some decent coin out of it and some minor entanglements as fallout. Not enough to rule, but enough to eat another meal.
Things move around us, there is a war in Crow’s Foot, people start asking us favors, we form contacts and hell, maybe we could get somewhere with this. We have to help this guy, Baz, he says we have future.
So we play the score game, things happen, people are killed, favors are earned and paid, ghost haunt us, coin is spent. But we don’t live in an isle, we make enemies and allies, we have s*t to take care of, we have a goal, we are playing the *crew game.
The cycle is: we start a score, the score introduces new elements in the fiction, those elements affect other factions, those factions react, we try to take the most of this reactions and climb the tier ladder, it affects other factions, we have to deal with it so we make another score… S**t happens.
*Score game -> Crew game -> Score game *
Why this is awesome? Because the game ensures that player actions MATTER. They affect directly and deeply the game setting. By zooming in and out in scope we as a gaming group form together a snowball of adventures.
Again, I have to play extendedly to see how this develops, but if I have to take something from Blades in the Dark, is how it addresses the issue of players having an impact on the game world. I think this is my feedback. What you think?
How are dates and time being handled?
How are dates and time being handled? Are there special names for the days of the week? Is it 7 days in a week? Are the months 1-12 with January, February, etc? Is midnight the final bell? The 12th bell?
Yesterday we had a neat session with #theMalkavs
Yesterday we had a neat session with #theMalkavs . I came up with some observations I’d like to post later, but for now questions:
This one needs a little context:
Nienna the Lurk had a bad streak of action rolls, going from controlled to risky, from risky to desperate and from desperate to desperate again but then Mariana decides to use Nienna’s silence and shadow vials on this last re-roll. I rule that since the situation changed (now she’s in a totally darkened and silenced room) the position changes upwards to risky (instead keeping with desperate again). Is this valid or am I stretching the position rules too much?
This is hard to explain. Lets say a score stretches two sessions:
When taking the character advancement questions, do you tick advancement for situations that came up in the previous session and were already ticked or the character already got all they could from those situations and would only advance from new challenges?
I’d say that they can only tick once for every situation they meet on any particular score, the idea is that the advancement questions try to have the players pushing their character to new adventures and dangers.
Crew advancement: can an enterprise count as an score and as a sidejob? the Malkavs had an entanglement that had them give a favor to an Inspector and wound up stealing some valuables on the side, so I rule that it was both when advancing the crew. Valid?
John Harper, is there any chance of the updated QS being posted today.
John Harper, is there any chance of the updated QS being posted today. I may be running Blades tonight for a few friends.
I just missed the kickstarter by a day or two, but this game is right up my alley. Mark down another one on the…
I just missed the kickstarter by a day or two, but this game is right up my alley. Mark down another one on the “hoping for a late buy-in” list.
Since I haven’t got the QS rules, I’ve been ringing as many details from the internet as possible, and there’s one thing I haven’t seen discussed. Your gang playbook sets you up as some specific criminal endeavor (smuggling, dealing, etc). As you rise up the tiers, is there any way to expand out of that? Can you annex lower tier gangs and make them pay you for the privilege of operating on your turf? You’d expect a kingpin of crime to have his fingers in all kinds of operations.
I may have missed this, but are the rules available anywhere if we did not contribute to the Kickstarter?
I may have missed this, but are the rules available anywhere if we did not contribute to the Kickstarter? Also, any estimate on when the game will be available for purchase?
As an aside, I’d love to hear anything about what sort of things the Leeches can do. As a listener to the Sawbones podcast, I’m eager to prescribe my patients everything from bloodletting to opium