13 thoughts on “John Harper, is there any chance of the updated QS being posted today.”

  1. It’s possible. What time is your game? I’ll be working on it until around 6:00PM PST. Might be able to finish it up by then, but I don’t think it’s likely.

  2. A last-minute update from tonight’s session then: we suspect that there are no longer effect advancement boxes to be ticked on the play books. Also, the between-scores and end-of session sequence could be made clearer.

    We had a great time running our first score, though. More obstacle clocks can come up organically during a job, right? Especially as the manifestation of a danger?

  3. Ditto. How would one get the updated QuickStart? Through the same link as before? I am hungry for information. I’m carefully weighing how much I have versus my group’s need for excessive grain detail.

  4. I’ve decided to go all in on a bigger batch of tweaks and additions, so the QS update has been delayed. Sorry about that! I’m working to get it ready as soon as I can.

  5. John Harper I don’t want to push, but I would love to get a look at the spider and the leech even if their background supporting stuff isn’t all done. I am betting the leech is interesting even without all the whole alchemical system in place, for example.

  6. Conversely, while a touch dissapointed, I’m just relieved I’m not missing something obvious.

    The work I’ve seen so far is quality, so if waiting gets more of that I’m all for it. 🙂

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