Yesterday we had a neat session with #theMalkavs

Yesterday we had a neat session with #theMalkavs

Yesterday we had a neat session with #theMalkavs . I came up with some observations I’d like to post later, but for now questions:

This one needs a little context:

Nienna the Lurk had a bad streak of action rolls, going from controlled to risky, from risky to desperate and from desperate to desperate again but then Mariana decides to use Nienna’s silence and shadow vials on this last re-roll. I rule that since the situation changed (now she’s in a totally darkened and silenced room) the position changes upwards to risky (instead keeping with desperate again). Is this valid or am I stretching the position rules too much?

This is hard to explain. Lets say a score stretches two sessions: 

When taking the character advancement questions, do you tick advancement for situations that came up in the previous session and were already ticked or the character already got all they could from those situations and would only advance from new challenges?

I’d say that they can only tick once for every situation they meet on any particular score, the idea is that the advancement questions try to have the players pushing their character to new adventures and dangers. 

Crew advancement: can an enterprise count as an score and as a sidejob? the Malkavs had an entanglement that had them give a favor to an Inspector and wound up stealing some valuables on the side, so I rule that it was both when advancing the crew. Valid? 

2 thoughts on “Yesterday we had a neat session with #theMalkavs”

  1. Of course not. Sounds like cunning use of the rules

    Two parters shouldn’t proc twice. Season long Arc scores totally can and should.

    Probably, otherwise side job opportunity will never happen.

  2. Yep, you’re doing the position thing correctly.

    For character advancement, tick them however it makes sense to you, favoring more or less ticks as you prefer. The advancement items are changing anyway, and will have a clearer method in a future update.

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