So, one house rule I’m considering once the book is actually out is saying that players can bank a crew advancement,…

So, one house rule I’m considering once the book is actually out is saying that players can bank a crew advancement,…

So, one house rule I’m considering once the book is actually out is saying that players can bank a crew advancement, and then next time they would go up a tier they gain access to a new crew playbook (Minus redundant things like lair and item quality upgrades). Obvious a group can dabble in things outside their specialty, but this is meant to represent a dedicated focus on advancing in that area. I feel this gives things a bit more flexibility and some boosted longevity for those groups that really run up their experience quickly.

Any thoughts on how this might wreck a campaign?

Has anybody tried using BitD to run a cyberpunk or scifi game using the rules mostly as is, but swapping the use of…

Has anybody tried using BitD to run a cyberpunk or scifi game using the rules mostly as is, but swapping the use of…

Has anybody tried using BitD to run a cyberpunk or scifi game using the rules mostly as is, but swapping the use of supernatural actions for things like hacking-fu and tech/cyberware (and of course tweaking gear)?

Endgame Ideas?

Endgame Ideas?

Endgame Ideas?

So BitD is a blast to play to find out what happens to the scoundrels trying to make something of themselves. However, what have you done to provide satisfying closure to a campaign or story arc?

My player group with the cult crew played probably 15-20 sessions and ended the campaign when one of the members moved. We plan to revisit the campaign again with the full rules later this year.

Fortunately, we were able to wrap up that moving player’s character’s main projects and story arc in a way that also instantiated their first use of the Glory Incarnate cult special ability (thus encountering a manifestation of their supernatural leader for the very first time). This coincided with supplanting their campaign-long rivals the Lampblacks in a climactic rise in tier and a big nasty gang fight. Bombs in the PCs’ Lair were involved, mysteries and twists in relationships and origins were revealed, and the leaving player’s character was the first PC on the crew to die (aside from his dad who originally founded the crew).

This was great for closure in our case, but really only centered on that one character’s arc. The others went along with it due to expecting to continue later on.  Nevertheless, I’m curious how others aim to work toward an endgame in BitD, both mechanically and narratively.

To have a satisfying climax, I think you need to first have a big underlying conflict, ideally that weaves in each PC’s personal arc. I love the emergent player-focused nature of the system for regular play, but I’m less confident it naturally produces such an underlying conflict. What have you experienced? Similarly, in heroic games, there can easily be bad situations to thwart, or good situations to bring to be. In a scoundrel game, is there the same satisfaction in bringing about a bad situation (that’s good for the crew) or thwarting good situations for the world (that are bad for the crew)?

Should players work to identify for the GM (or can the GM infer somehow from player pursuits) a whole-crew big picture goal other than “move up”?

Is considering an endgame-style plot structure with rising action to a big climax followed by resolution even appropriate for this game?

Want some variety in giving your whispers some ghosts to play with? Check this out.

Want some variety in giving your whispers some ghosts to play with? Check this out.

Want some variety in giving your whispers some ghosts to play with? Check this out.!20-Different-Types-of-Ghosts-to-Tell-Stories-About/c1q8z/5613ca640cf2f0ed7a333df9!20-Different-Types-of-Ghosts-to-Tell-Stories-About/c1q8z/5613ca640cf2f0ed7a333df9

Hi John Harper , as the quickstartrules seems to be nailed down, I wanted to ask whats going to happen next?

Hi John Harper , as the quickstartrules seems to be nailed down, I wanted to ask whats going to happen next?

Hi John Harper , as the quickstartrules seems to be nailed down, I wanted to ask whats going to happen next? Will there be close curtains while devellopement of the final books and other stretched goals progressing or will there be any new material for the crowd here to try? After many sessions with my own games, I started to think about new settings or more detailing material from the QS and so on. As many may do here. 

So basicly I am just curious to know what comes next.

About the advancements.

About the advancements.

About the advancements. I feel it’s very easy to get the Playbook special abilities: the players rolls a lot during the mission, so they get lot of XPs for their “favorite” actions attempted, for their Desperate rolls, and for expressing their character’s various aspects.

On the opposite, it’s VERY difficult to simply get a single Dot in the skills list! First of all, they should have 3 Crew upgrades (if they want to have the chance to train… and of course every character want different Training area!), and the Crew is rarely upgraded! So, a lot of missions before to have even a single Training crew upgrade, a lot more to get the 3 different upgrades.

THEN, even if they choose to Train in Downtime (rare, ’cause they often have to remove Stress AND Harm, pretty long and difficult process), however, even if they choose the Train action, they need to choose it 6 times to get a Dot! So, about 6 missions for a dot!

How you are facing that in your games?

Gang Trouble (the entanglement) says “Lose face  (-1 rep per tier)” make an example, or face reprisals.

Gang Trouble (the entanglement) says “Lose face  (-1 rep per tier)” make an example, or face reprisals.

Gang Trouble (the entanglement) says “Lose face  (-1 rep per tier)” make an example, or face reprisals.

Does this mean that a tier 0 crew can choose “lose face” and lose nothing? 

Alright, I’m going to start a game of Blades in the Dark with my players next week.

Alright, I’m going to start a game of Blades in the Dark with my players next week.

Alright, I’m going to start a game of Blades in the Dark with my players next week.

They’ve been desperately running from horrific things beyond the ken of mortal minds for long enough, it’s time to run from likely lads with filthy blades,

I have the backer rules (though I got the impression from John Harper’s latest AP episode that a rules update might be coming up) and I’ve been looking through the links here.

Is there anything else I should be aware of? Especially re: rules & setting that I might have missed.

I generally get the sense a lot of the setting is implied rather that exposed at the moment, which means I’ll be stealing from :



the Dark Volumes

the Gentleman Bastards

the Tristopolis novels


the Shadow Line

the Wire

the Black Donnellys



Chaositech (Hauntech)

d20 Moden Cyberspace (Necrotic Implants)