I ran the first session of a new campaign last night, and wanted to check I was applying the rules appropriately.
I ran the first session of a new campaign last night, and wanted to check I was applying the rules appropriately.
The crew had decided to assassinate Baszo Baz in their first meeting, by having previously poisoned a bottle of his favourite whisky. They knew that Wiszer, their own gang leader, would also drink from that bottle when Baszo and Wiszer toasted the claimed alliance between them.
Cue a flashback to the Leech preparing an antidote to the poison in the whisky, taking 1 stress to perform the complex operation. He rolled a 4-5 result, so I said that the antidote batch was poor quality and gave the player a choice: go with that possibly-ineffective dose (“complication”), or risk his own health brewing up another batch (“take harm”).
The Leech decided to brew another batch, took harm in the form of a hacking cough, then rolled to resist the harm and ended up taking a couple of points of stress instead.
Was that all going according to the rules, and best practice in applying them?
* Stress to allow the flashback?
* Allowing the flashback at all?
* Giving the player a choice about the fallout of a partial success?
* Allowing the player to roll to resist the harm they’d elected to take?
(Interestingly, the Leech player hesitated a bit about how do deal with his partial failure. “I don’t know what sort of character this is,” he said. I think we all know about more about that character now.)