It’s a subtle factor in Blades in the Dark, but I like that this game is doing what I think future games will or at…

It’s a subtle factor in Blades in the Dark, but I like that this game is doing what I think future games will or at…

It’s a subtle factor in Blades in the Dark, but I like that this game is doing what I think future games will or at least should do in encouraging the idea that players are people who have tricky schedules, social anxiety, and bad days, and that doesn’t have to weigh down the group. You can release your character to be lost in their vice for a session or have them do long-term projects or have them help the crew in flashbacks. The GM can pass their notes to someone else and make a PC. It’s fairly easy to add players, subtract players, and rearrange roles, something that several other RPGs I’ve played do not forgive so easily.

One thought on “It’s a subtle factor in Blades in the Dark, but I like that this game is doing what I think future games will or at…”

  1. Just started a game with my group last night, and it’s clear that one of my players can only commit to playing every other week, while everyone else (myself included) would be happy with weekly. The downtime and “lost” mechanics provide excellent ways to work around this (especially since the player went with Obligation has his Vice, he has a large extended family that will start showing up at inopportune moments for help with something).

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