Are there any Blades in the Dark sessions planed for RPC Germany?

Are there any Blades in the Dark sessions planed for RPC Germany?

Are there any Blades in the Dark sessions planed for RPC Germany? (Date 28./29.05.2016 in Cologne

Hello everybody

Hello everybody

Hello everybody,

I’m new to this group and to Blades and want to say hello before I post all my questions :).

I’m an old-school rpg-player from Germany, active since the early 1980ies playing games like D&D, Midgard, Shadowrun and lots of other stuff like Toon or Paranoia. I had a longer family-induced break lately but I’m starting my RPG-comeback now.

I missed the Blades kickstarter (mea culpa, WANT that hardcover!) but was hooked after reading the games description. I bought the early access version from drivethrurpg and am reading/re-reading it since then.

I used to buy&read rpg-modules just for fun (not necesarry playing them) and reading Blades is so much fun. Just group actions + leveling the group + flashbacks alone would be awesome. Now I have all that and all the small details (like healing via vice), too. Cool! Cool! Cool!

BUT: The “classic” games I knew have a more rigid structure especially concerning initiative and combat. Yes, that’s limiting but comforting, too. I’m still staring at the game and I’m not sure if I can handle that. I’m still fighting with some of the concepts (like NPCs without attributes/skills? When and how will NPCs get their actions), so please bear with me when the questions are rolling in.

Until then: Keep up the good work (especially John Harper and the “original” crew). I already drew a lot of inspiration from you guys.



Question for John Harper from a player at last night’s session.

Question for John Harper from a player at last night’s session.

Question for John Harper from a player at last night’s session.

How can I recruit new cohorts as a downtime action? It feels like it should be possible, but nothing quite seemed to fit, short of training and applying it to the crew sheet rather than their own playbook. I wondered if it was left to crew advances deliberately, but it felt like the PCs should be able to do something in that vein during downtime.

GM Technique

GM Technique

GM Technique

On failure, ask the players what went wrong. Be specific. “What did you miss climbing through the jeweller’s broken window?” Lean on features the player has already portrayed about the character. “How is your vice, or traumas, a problem? What is it about your heritage or background that gives you away or gets in the way?”

I’m directing She Kills Monsters at the Statoin Theatre in Urbana, IL and, as people are coming in, I’m running a…

I’m directing She Kills Monsters at the Statoin Theatre in Urbana, IL and, as people are coming in, I’m running a…

I’m directing She Kills Monsters at the Statoin Theatre in Urbana, IL and, as people are coming in, I’m running a game of Blades in the Dark with some of the cast. (The show is D&D themed.)

The audience is taking an interest in seeing the game played and the players are having a lot of fun. I think only 1 of the four has gamed much before and another has gamed a few times while in college.

So far, in order to take Aldo’s Opium Den from the Fog Hounds, they’ve lightingend 4 Blucloaks, raided the Opium House twice and gotten close to dead quite a bit, including their tiger.

Last night I was up to run the Unrecommendables, and I had Aldo stuck Behind the Mirror (lost in the Ghost Field.)…

Last night I was up to run the Unrecommendables, and I had Aldo stuck Behind the Mirror (lost in the Ghost Field.)…

Last night I was up to run the Unrecommendables, and I had Aldo stuck Behind the Mirror (lost in the Ghost Field.) This is a great opportunity to do something big and spooky, so I didn’t want to have an anticlimax of “You drop out in an alley and throw up. Find your way home.” What could I do that was really cool? I was drawing a blank.

So, I turned to my heist deck.

For people, I drew two. Pebbler, the earth demon, spy and information broker. Also Saithernon, exotic fence, with a turban and a pet python. For a treasure, I drew the Sonurian Ghost Key.

For obstacles, I drew bleeding thorns (they make you bleed even if they don’t scratch you) and fungus that drizzles hallucinating spores, and a “cold room” full of ghosts that descend on the heat of life and drain it off.

I mixed all that together with my existing situation, and it really informed what I would do. I made Saithernon a cultist who worshiped the Outsider (not a stretch) and figured he was offering sacrifices and debased horrible rituals to get the Outsider’s guidance to find the Sonurian Ghost Key.

So, the Outsider’s inscrutable methods stashed Aldo where the Key was, in this vault, which was protected by Pebbler. Aldo could describe what it looked like from the Back of the Mirror, and Saithernon could identify what weird occult site that was in the real world. I can then tie Aldo’s rescue in with an obligation to throw a heist, which steals something that provokes another heist, and also fulfills a favor to Saithernon, who is now part of the crew’s experience.

From there it was a matter of tossing in colorful details. Like, when Saithernon first contacted Aldo, Saithernon’s python was biting its own tail, and had glyphs painted on it, so it was a living summoning circle. Or, having a pool of blood from Second Death hogs (drive spirits into hogs and kill the hog, destroying the spirit) for Aldo to rise from. Having Pebbles create a preserve of starving ghosts to defend a treasure. Putting a catacomb on a canal for fun.

And, to make my bigger plot move, it turns out what’s in the Sonuria family vault includes piles of primary source research on the Outsider, something people would kill for–and something that Aldo has been looking for. In the vault where the Key was held, the central statue he was locked in looked like his mate, a woman named Child who carries his baby–but it is a likeness of a woman who was Chosen by the outsider centuries ago. (Time travel fun and life force echoing across centuries has been a delightful theme of the game to date.)

So yeah, I had some fun with weaving what’s going on now, what happened in the past, and where we might go based on the characters’ goals all into one piece. The cards helped me kick it loose, but looking back over it, the story looks like it is what I planned all along. =)

If things slow down, I can always have Pebbles figure out who robbed him. That’s a powerful enemy that could drive a whole arc, right there. So, no danger of running out of things to do yet…

I want to run a one-shot of this (with the potential to hook my current group on to the system!) when I see my…

I want to run a one-shot of this (with the potential to hook my current group on to the system!) when I see my…

I want to run a one-shot of this (with the potential to hook my current group on to the system!) when I see my gaming group face-to-face in a couple of weeks, anyone got any tips/suggestions for a one-shot? Maybe a couple heists, a rival gang and some juicy betrayal?

The Chicago Newspaper Wars apparently involved a scene where thugs managed by one newspaper walked onto a street car…

The Chicago Newspaper Wars apparently involved a scene where thugs managed by one newspaper walked onto a street car…

The Chicago Newspaper Wars apparently involved a scene where thugs managed by one newspaper walked onto a street car and shot everyone reading a rival paper.

Put THAT in your Hawkers game! Some of your jobs become getting the scoop on rivals, burning down rival news stands, organizing the local orphans to act as distribution and, of course, storming the offices of your rivals and dynamiting their printing press.

Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff (Episode 175) talks about the intersection of organized crime and newspapers. Article starts at 19:49.