Don’t sleep on the boats, on the canals.

Don’t sleep on the boats, on the canals.

Don’t sleep on the boats, on the canals. Don’t touch the water if you sleep. Some sounds are quietly waiting, wafting in the breeze of a current, to get into meat. Once in you, you may never get them out, until the last of the air has drifted loose and you can finally be quiet enough to hear with a clarity denied the living.

Loving the way the game looks, even if I haven’t had a chance to actually do anything with it.

Loving the way the game looks, even if I haven’t had a chance to actually do anything with it.

Loving the way the game looks, even if I haven’t had a chance to actually do anything with it.

I do, however, have the perverse desire to hack it (particularly the Crew section) to make a settlement building game

So…. Leviathan Hunters and ghosts.

So…. Leviathan Hunters and ghosts.

So…. Leviathan Hunters and ghosts.

We had a bout of ship board shenanigans out on the ink Black Sea and the question of repelling ghosts from the ship came up.

We decided (in play) that ghosts are repelled by vast bodies of salty water. It means there is no need for Rail Bulls At sea, but also means that oceans are somewhat safe from ghostly incursions.

Has this come up your games? How’d you resolve it?

Can you raise your crew’s Tier if you have weak Hold, or must you have at least a firm Hold before you can raise…

Can you raise your crew’s Tier if you have weak Hold, or must you have at least a firm Hold before you can raise…

Can you raise your crew’s Tier if you have weak Hold, or must you have at least a firm Hold before you can raise Tier because the process of raising Tier drops your Hold one level?

If this is explicit somewhere, my apologies.

How does your crew split the Coin?

How does your crew split the Coin?

How does your crew split the Coin? Mine usually does as even a split as possible, with some strategic considerations mixed in (we need X amount of Coin for the next Tier upgrade, etcetera).

I think that’s fine. However, this way of splitting things up means no one PC ever gets a major surplus (and no one PC can ever get a comparative shotfall), so there’s no arguing over money issues, and no real engagement with the lifestyle mechanic.

I was wondering if perhaps I should implement a rule of “the one with their actual mitts on the moolah gets the most say in who gets what”, or some variation thereof.

That seems like it could cause friction between the players, as opposed to just their characters, though. Has anyone already tried something like this?

In a recent episode of the Bloodletters, John mentioned that if a player has a vice that could potentially net them…

In a recent episode of the Bloodletters, John mentioned that if a player has a vice that could potentially net them…

In a recent episode of the Bloodletters, John mentioned that if a player has a vice that could potentially net them assets that the player can pay a coin to actually pick up that asset (the example was the Cantor could drop a coin to pick up the fancy jacket he’s trying on).

What about when a PC has the obligation vice, and wants actionable intel? I have a player with an obligation vice to bring her dead demon lover back to life and spends her vice actions trying to research a way to do that. If it were not a vice, and just a plan she had, that would require many ticks on multiple LTPs, but it also doesn’t make sense for her repeated vice actions to get her nowhere. Should she spend rep to get useful intel? How many ticks is that worth?

I guess the other answer could be that this is not a good choice for vice, but I have another player in a different crew with the same issue. He’s searching for his parents who abandoned him as a child. These kinds of vices really give a character good stories and motivations, but I’m not sure what to actually do with them.