So I’m coming up on my actual campaign soon “woooo!” and since one of my party members is Tycherosi I wanted to ask.

So I’m coming up on my actual campaign soon “woooo!” and since one of my party members is Tycherosi I wanted to ask.

So I’m coming up on my actual campaign soon “woooo!” and since one of my party members is Tycherosi I wanted to ask… I’m under the impression that a lot of people in the Isles just distrust Tycherosi because of the whole demonic blood thing, but I feel like it’s a bit harsh to penalise all interactions with others that aren’t of the same heritage via lowered effect.

He specifically wants to play a Whisper who’s also a smooth-talker so I was looking for real-play examples on how to handle this sort of thing. I really want to impress the Tycherosi situation on the player without making it seem like I’m punishing the character concept. Any help is greatly appreciated

I’m going to start GMing a campaign this month with a crew of Breakers.

I’m going to start GMing a campaign this month with a crew of Breakers.

I’m going to start GMing a campaign this month with a crew of Breakers. Any advice/experience running this crew type? Is there any Actual Play report with breakers as protagonists that could be read for “inspiration”?



Could use some help grasping effect level and position.

Could use some help grasping effect level and position.

Could use some help grasping effect level and position.

So I have run a few sessions of blades in the dark, and am still having trouble really getting effect level, and to a lesser extent position. I do find position to be easier, in my mind it more sets the tone, the more often I decide something if desperate the grittier the players will perceive the tone to be. The Fiction will often help dictate the choice,but still sometimes it feels very arbitrary which position I am picking.

The harder one for me if really getting a grasp on the effect level, scale and/or potency. So last night one of the players picked a fight with a red sash swordsman who was a better 1v1 fighter than that player. The player was a cutter with the Not to be Trifled With special ability and a large weapon. So mentally I started the player off at limited effect, I bumped this up twice, once for his ability and another time because of his weapon and the fiction. This meant he had great effect and it felt kind of muddled.

Anyways, sorry to ramble, but I am looking for any help or clarification on how you all set effect levels, how you use them. Really any suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks.

Crew upgrades: What are the differences between Gear, Implements, Tools and Supplies?

Crew upgrades: What are the differences between Gear, Implements, Tools and Supplies?

Crew upgrades: What are the differences between Gear, Implements, Tools and Supplies? In many cases, they’re very much the same things. Thoughts?

Also, can you spend your intial crew upgrade points between the ones listed as “Crew Upgrades” on the crew sheet (in the middle gray box) as well as the untitled crew upgrades on the bottom left (Secure Lair, Vault, etc.)? Or are the latter for after-play only?

So I’m in an assassins crew, and I’m GMing a Shadow crew.

So I’m in an assassins crew, and I’m GMing a Shadow crew.

So I’m in an assassins crew, and I’m GMing a Shadow crew. Both crews want anonymity in the public eye – they’re very much oriented to being a “service” provider. Now some of the claims look good, having turf can be mechanically useful – but what does it mean to take turf from another gang in these scenarios? Why would murder-for-hire (accidents, low heat, very professional) want to have a stake on some streets?

What does turf look like to them?

So I have been GMing two games of Blades.

So I have been GMing two games of Blades.

So I have been GMing two games of Blades. One group is a small group of cultists that have been striking at the big boys and rolling with the punches. They accept many Devil’s bargains and constantly want to put themselves in Desperate positions to ride life on the razor’s edge.

The second group is fairly large. It can hover from four to six people. The main issue I have is that they almost never accept my bargains and try their most to “min max” this game. One player won’t do anything for the group unless it involves him out in the open and sniping people. They cut off our Cutter from trying to do violent things. Most importantly, they take the consequences that their Scoundrels get almost personally. I don’t know if it’s a “video game” mindset or something that was gained from playing too much mechanical D&D. I just feel like I’m not getting through to this latter group on trying to really revel in the scoundrel lifestyle.

Do any of you have advice or similar stories of groups like this? I am sort of at a loss.

So, a hagfish farm aids in body disposal, which seems really cool.

So, a hagfish farm aids in body disposal, which seems really cool.

So, a hagfish farm aids in body disposal, which seems really cool. However, doesn’t this mean you need to carry your mark to said farm to be disposed of? If so, it seems like a big risk for assassins to take. It also enters into the discussion on load/encumbrance (if that’s a thing to you).

Also, why does street fence grant +2 coin for lower-class targets? What is this representing?

Finally, if you keep to yourselves and stay under the crow’s sight, it might seem as if victim trophies wouldn’t help with rep as there’s nobody to see them.

I’m asking about these claims to get advice on representing them in the fiction, not arguing if they’re worth it. I really dig them.

John, will there be more detail on claims in the book?

Were there any new (or old) info on Broken Crown?

Were there any new (or old) info on Broken Crown?

Were there any new (or old) info on Broken Crown? I’m finally gathering a group to test drive BitD, and from preliminary discussion with players they seem to strongly gravitate towards revolutionaries, so any materials would be great.