Picking nits: On page 7, under resistance rolls, it says “The roll tells us how much stress their character suffers…

Picking nits: On page 7, under resistance rolls, it says “The roll tells us how much stress their character suffers…

Picking nits: On page 7, under resistance rolls, it says “The roll tells us how much stress their character suffers to reduce the severity of a consequence.” and then follows up with an example of that, but later examples of resistance rolls indicate that it’s a possibility for a resistance roll to totally avoid a consequence – the “disarm” example on page 11 strongly implies this, and the first example on page 13 has the GM deciding that consequences are merely reduced. This feels slightly inconsistent. I don’t know if we’re too late for the final text or not (I feel like it’s been implied that we’re not) but adding the words “avoid or” to the first example would make this feel more complete.

I’m fairly certain my PCs are Hawkers and not a Cult.

I’m fairly certain my PCs are Hawkers and not a Cult.

I’m fairly certain my PCs are Hawkers and not a Cult. Only one member is actually a true believer (and he’s currently MIA), the rest are using the cult as a convenient excuse to replace Leviathan Blood as the power source that runs the city (The worth the Demon God of Leviathans). They almost never do occult scores, instead fighting with the nobility and leviathan hunters that have a stranglehold on the city through control of leviathan blood in an effort to improve their product. They would be getting a lot more crew XP if they switched over, and probably get more use out of the special abilities. So should I try and convince them to switch, or just let it go?

I had recently a lot of nice Ideas for unusual Characters for each Archetype:

I had recently a lot of nice Ideas for unusual Characters for each Archetype:

I had recently a lot of nice Ideas for unusual Characters for each Archetype:

If someone is interested here they are. Feel free to share your weird and different Character Concepts too:

Cutter: ex-knife Thrower from Duskval Circus, now apprentice of an old Assassin looking for a successor.

Hound: Old Fisherman living in the Tangletown. He uses his Eel-Crossbow (called Eel-Rod) for his Jobs and has a human sized octopus as his companion.

Leech: former Noble Women now Perfume-saleswomen, which has a long streak of bad luck behind her. She uses Flowers, mushrooms and dead Animals for her alchemical processes. (Maybe even Humans?)

Lurk: former Butler of an old noble military Family, which died while he was on duty through a group of Assassins. He learned to keep quiet in his Job on a near supernatural level and takes care of the last remnant of the Family (a little girl) himself.

Slide: a slightly chubby Winemaker and Gourmet, which uses lavish food to lure his prey into safety. He needs an extremely rare bottle of Wine back, that was stolen some time ago.

Spider: An old Women in a Wheelchair, which uses her staff to do her bidding. She has not much to say in her rich house because her son-in-law has succeeded her Husband. Now she searches for a legal and subtle way to get rid of him. She plans almost everything in advance and uses flashbacks and preparation to support the others.

Whisper: a little girl who grew up seeing ghosts and learnt to interact with them extremely early. They taught and raised her instead of her permanently busy parents and formed her into a tool to do their will. She mostly talks to ghosts and dead People and is pretty clumsy when interacting with living people.

Yesterday I discovered I somehow missed that there was a 13th episode of the BloodLetters and I consumed it in its…

Yesterday I discovered I somehow missed that there was a 13th episode of the BloodLetters and I consumed it in its…

Yesterday I discovered I somehow missed that there was a 13th episode of the BloodLetters and I consumed it in its entirety. It’s absolutely the best show currently running in any medium. John Harper What do we have to do to get you to make it more frequently? Can you start a patreon page for it? Can you begin talks with HBO? Please make it happen.

Question: Do characters and crew still get all their contacts and just choose one who’s favored? Or has that changed?

Question: Do characters and crew still get all their contacts and just choose one who’s favored? Or has that changed?

Question: Do characters and crew still get all their contacts and just choose one who’s favored? Or has that changed?

From reading through the agriculture and food section I’ve got an excellent scheme.

From reading through the agriculture and food section I’ve got an excellent scheme.

From reading through the agriculture and food section I’ve got an excellent scheme.

1. Start a Cult dedicated to a radiant god.

2. Make sure that God can Incarnate on the physical realm.

3. Get them to hang around the same area for a while, somehow.

4. Set up a garden there.



With this foolproof plan we can set up a radiant energy garden without having to do any confusing alchemy. What’s the worst that could happen?

Sean Nittner, not only am I an avid BitD fan, I run an FLGS.

Sean Nittner, not only am I an avid BitD fan, I run an FLGS.

Sean Nittner, not only am I an avid BitD fan, I run an FLGS. I know that GTS and ACD carry Evil hat products in general. Do you plan on offering print editions of BitD through distribution as well? My mind is spinning with a shared Doskvol campaign in the shop and I’d love to be able to offer the game book to folks!

Edit: I did a cursory search for the answer to this one but could not find it – apologies if this has been discussed already.

So it’s possible that I might’ve mentioned casually to my daughter that Stras Acimovic​ may have created new…

So it’s possible that I might’ve mentioned casually to my daughter that Stras Acimovic​ may have created new…

So it’s possible that I might’ve mentioned casually to my daughter that Stras Acimovic​ may have created new character sheets for her and her friends. And it’s possible that she took the statement to heart (not to mention a bit too literally) and proceeded to email her friends about it, thereby generating an uproar of Omigawds!!! along with an unconscionable amount of emoticons. It’s also potentially true that this activity proceeded for days and days.

I can neither confirm nor deny that Stras, John LeBoeuf-Little​, and of course John Harper​ have attained the rank of superhero rock stars in the minds of a small gaggle of gamers. It is my fervent hope that, should this be the case, that you folks will use your power for the forces of good. With great power comes great something-or-other.

Just thought you’d like to know.