Need some advice from the Blades crew!
Need some advice from the Blades crew!
So, played today and some things popped up. Some are rules questions and some are “How do you handle it?”. I’m pre-apologizing for any lack of coherance, as I’m rushing to see John Wick 2. 🙂
Anyway, here goes:
1) How does/should faction status, friends and contacts interact with gaining assets? The way I see it, they should, if only a +1d. In our game tonight, I went with Doll Consorting with the Dimmer Sisters (+2 status) in order to get loan of a spirit minion.
We could’ve gone with an extra DTA, but I didn’t want them to be drained of coin (a Tier 0 crew can go broke getting decent assets). I figured there needed to be some benefit to buffing the +1 with the Sisters up to +2.
2) How do you handle gear, heat and rep if an NPC faction retaliates between scores? Do you make them track loadout? Do you account for heat if fools get smoked? Does the crew get rep?
We used the fiction (they were at a recently acquired claim, ready for the blowback) to account for loadout, but I decided the only heat that might drop is from DBs and consequences. As far as rep goes, I said you don’t get a boost for holding a claim you stole. The bennie’s the claim and it’s boost; a crew’s expected to hold their shit (that’s why you get rep in the first place, when you first stole it).
3) A biggie was if, after getting attacked, there should be some free DTAs. I went with “No” to keep the mechanical structure coherent, saying it’d be rep or coin if they wanted to use DTAs. My fictional reasoning was that such blowback’s are expected and if a crew can’t deal, it loses money or face.
4) I for some reason remember hitting Trauma not only clears your stress, but you return healed. If I’m correct, could somebody give me a reference?
5) If you fill an ability track mid-session from desperate rolls, do you upgrade an action rating right then and move on, or are you capped until the session’s end? We went with the latter, but I’m not sure what’s a better way to do it.
Well, that’s it for now. Thanks, everyone!