Finally caught up on all the Bloodletters episodes. Somehow it managed to make me want to play Blades even more.

Finally caught up on all the Bloodletters episodes. Somehow it managed to make me want to play Blades even more.

Finally caught up on all the Bloodletters episodes. Somehow it managed to make me want to play Blades even more.

I’ve been reading the new Recovery rules and.

I’ve been reading the new Recovery rules and.

I’ve been reading the new Recovery rules and… hm, I think there’s a problem here. In v8, recovery is explicitly medical – you get a PC with Physicker or an NPC doctor to treat you. But Harm isn’t – Seduced is given as an example of Harm, and I’m not sure why we need a doctor to treat that!

Pulling together all Harm under one system looks good, but it includes things that really ought to be temporary conditions that only apply for the current Score – or at least ought to be treated differently for Recovery purposes.

I’m also not sure I like the way that it make Physicker almost necessary for a starting crew. Since getting a doctor is an Acquire Assets roll a Tier 0 crew is likely to get a very bad one. So a Leech with Physicker let’s you roll a minimum of 3d to Recover, and without one you need to take an action to get a doctor who is unlikely to be better than 0d unless you spend coin… it’s such a huge leap in effectiveness, but it takes up a PC’s special ability slot. That doesn’t seem like a great thing to do. Especially given that the Leech needs to pay 2 Stress to treat themselves, so it’s an ability that is much better for the other PCs…

There is the possibility of having a contact who can help, I guess. That takes some of the weight off the Leech, but leaves it entirely up to the GM what quality to give the NPC – and tying it to Tier still makes sense as the default for that.

Honestly, I preferred the earlier system where Physicker makes you better at healing people but anyone can roll an appropriate action or their lowest attribute to heal. Or am I misreading something here and getting it all wrong?

With the revised G+ format, has the pinned list of handy links been lost, or do we access it in a different way now?

With the revised G+ format, has the pinned list of handy links been lost, or do we access it in a different way now?

With the revised G+ format, has the pinned list of handy links been lost, or do we access it in a different way now? Are they on some BitD homepage now instead?

Where can I find Sean Nittner’s Vigilante play set?

Where can I find Sean Nittner’s Vigilante play set?

Where can I find Sean Nittner’s Vigilante play set? I know it is supposed to be on eventually, but I am headed to a local Con this weekend and I wanted to run a crew of Vigilantes squaring off with a Blades Crew.

Has anyone done a crew as Standover Men/Women? Criminals who specifically prey only on other criminals?

Has anyone done a crew as Standover Men/Women? Criminals who specifically prey only on other criminals?

Has anyone done a crew as Standover Men/Women? Criminals who specifically prey only on other criminals?

Is there a changelog somewhere that lists the changes between v8 and v8.1?

Is there a changelog somewhere that lists the changes between v8 and v8.1?

Is there a changelog somewhere that lists the changes between v8 and v8.1?

I’ve already printed out v8 and am debating whether it’s easier to just make corrections the hefty tome I’ve already printed, or just reprint the whole thing?

Help me figure out if Blades In The Dark is the right system for my mini-campaign?

Help me figure out if Blades In The Dark is the right system for my mini-campaign?

Help me figure out if Blades In The Dark is the right system for my mini-campaign?

Blades in the Royal Court – The newly wed (and apparently blissfully happy) royal couple are establishing their new court and household. But there are whispers that powerful forces are not happy with the direction that they plan to take the kingdom, and are willing to do desperate things to stop them. You play highly skilled secret agents disguised as various innocuous seeming courtiers and servants, trying to uncover the plots that would snuff out this golden age before it has even begun.

I’m aiming for a political thriller/espionage/heist sort of feel, with perhaps a dash of unconventional swashbuckling. Mini-campaign length of three sessions or so.

My first skim of the Blades rules has not given me a deep enough understanding of the system to tell whether my mini-campaign idea is a match or a mis-match.

Opinions and advice welcome. Thanks. 🙂

Edit: This would take place in a unique setting (probably based on Renaissance Europe) rather than Doskvol.