I would pay sick money for a BITD adaptation of China Mievilles Bas Lag world.

I would pay sick money for a BITD adaptation of China Mievilles Bas Lag world.

I would pay sick money for a BITD adaptation of China Mievilles Bas Lag world. If you haven’t read Perdido Street Station or The Scar then you’re missing out on some truly bizarre magnificence.

Damn, U’Duasha is freakin’ awesome!

Damn, U’Duasha is freakin’ awesome!

Damn, U’Duasha is freakin’ awesome! I finally got around to reading it and love it. It feels so exotic while keeping the feel of Blades. John’s writing (as well as anyone else who pitched in) brought every facet to life in my mind (love the Gualim!). I will definitely have to give the crew a reason to travel there!

I’m playing the Ghost Recon Wildlands beta and can’t help but think about it in Blades terms.

I’m playing the Ghost Recon Wildlands beta and can’t help but think about it in Blades terms.

I’m playing the Ghost Recon Wildlands beta and can’t help but think about it in Blades terms. Your little Tier 0 gang of JSOC Bravos with Patron (CIA) goes into Bolivia to run nothing but Assault plans all over the other factions’ faces.

One of my PCs has come down with Mono, and the original plan was to do a regular board game night because the group…

One of my PCs has come down with Mono, and the original plan was to do a regular board game night because the group…

One of my PCs has come down with Mono, and the original plan was to do a regular board game night because the group didn’t want to play without Shiv the Lurk. However, the idea of not playing blades for more than a month didn’t sit well with me. So instead I asked the remaining 3 players if they’d be interested in taking on the mantle of the gang of rooks that their cult acquired and never uses. I’m hoping that if they give names and personalities to these nameless NPCs that they’ll seem some actual use in game. I don’t have John’s knack for creating great crew NPCs like Roathe and Cyclops on the fly, so I’m going to make my players do it for me.

I’m trying to decide if these rooks should use the cult crew sheet still, or be shadows instead. I guess it depends on how integrated into the cult they are, and that’s a question for the players.

We are a little bit confused about the Ritual ability of the Whisper, mostly the summoning a supernatural being.

We are a little bit confused about the Ritual ability of the Whisper, mostly the summoning a supernatural being.

We are a little bit confused about the Ritual ability of the Whisper, mostly the summoning a supernatural being.

The Whisper in my group selected this ability and has selected the spirit to be Winchester, formerly a student and class mate of Spook. Winchester was murdered and Spook has summoned his spirit to help the crew in return for finding his murderer.

The questions we have is basically how long does Winchester hang around when summoned or is he always about. If he is always about, does Spook have to cast the ritual to make him manifest so he can interact with Spook properly?

The way the Hull playbook is written, the spirit is bound in servitude to the creator or more likely finanser of the…

The way the Hull playbook is written, the spirit is bound in servitude to the creator or more likely finanser of the…

The way the Hull playbook is written, the spirit is bound in servitude to the creator or more likely finanser of the machine. However if someone built a Hull for the benefit of the Ghost that will inhabit it, how would that be handled?

After writing this it occurs to me that the answer is “On a case by case basis”, but I’m still curious what everyone’s thoughts on this is.

Apologies if this was asked and answered somewhere already.

Apologies if this was asked and answered somewhere already.

Apologies if this was asked and answered somewhere already. With the new ability phrasing around pushing yourself, do you still get the normal +1d/effect level of pushing yourself along with the ability’s effects, or is that the cost of using the ability?

I’m debating upping my pledge to the TINKERER level. Help me make a choice?

I’m debating upping my pledge to the TINKERER level. Help me make a choice?

I’m debating upping my pledge to the TINKERER level. Help me make a choice?

I have zero skills in design or anything graphical, and generally haven’t used anything fancier than Google Docs or Word to put a document together.

But I see that I’m doing enough with Blades that having resources to make new stuff would be cool.

My question is: if I get the Tinkerer package, what kind of skills and tools do I need in order to do stuff with those templates, fonts, artwork, etc.? What are the steps between “here’s one page of plain text” and “here’s the same text, but it looks cool and Blade-y?”

Similarly, *what would be the actual content I’d get*? What kind of resources, and what formats would they be in?

Many thanks :)

Specifically John Harper​ but anyone who knows please chime in:

Specifically John Harper​ but anyone who knows please chime in:

Specifically John Harper​ but anyone who knows please chime in:

It’s there a master list of current kickstarter material? I’m having trouble locating what’s available currently.

Thanks in advance guys and gals!