Had my 4th play yesterday.

Had my 4th play yesterday.

Had my 4th play yesterday. 3 players, 1 that tried every iteration of the rules, 2 new players. Game went really well, everybody loved it, so i’ll jump right in the important part of my report.

QS V3 as been a really good improvement to the general feeling of the game.


– Claim map added that many more objectives to the player and a fabulous tool to the master

– Details to consequences is really useful (p.13)

– Downtime are well structured and my players really loved to have it all written down. They loved entanglements, ect

– Playbook have better special abilities, feeling a little bit more unique (I’m not a big fan of “Veteran”, feeling some things should only be done by a certain character)

– Players really like to know “what’s up”, they know what is going on, what most of their action mean and what is their objective. They know they need to reach a certain amount of hold to raise their tier, they are able to plan wich gang they’ll befried and wich is going to be their foe. That’s something that is very unique to a RPG, feeling a little bit like a boardgame, my players loved that feeling and it’s really easy to get the master involved in the really long-time planning (sadly I just played one-shots)


– I didn’t like to have to roll the tier of the gang to acquire asset, making it really difficult for a new gang and it doesn’t feels right. I would simply do the exact same thing than the “gather information” roll, player explain what they want to do and roll the action, no need for a different rule

– I like the new resistance rule, but I think the amount of stress is out of place. To avoid danger should never be that easy that it cost no stress, but I think a roll of 1 is to expensive. I’d go with something  similar to every other roll: 6: 1 stress, 4/5: 2 stress, 1-3: 4 stress

– Finally, I feel there’s something missing from the effect of complex action roll, as if the suprise of the roll has to few of an impact. I know it was a lot of roll (Action, Effect, Resistance…), but I used to like to roll for effect. I’d propose a single dice (1-3: 1 ticks, 4-5: 2 ticks, 6: 3 ticks) and then you’d apply all bonus/malus on a 1:1 basis (ex: potency -1/+1). And the effect dice could even be rolled at the same time than the action roll with a different dice color. Some playbook could have a special ability that gives 1 more effect dice (and the possibilities of critical) to certain action. (Ex Cutter get an additionnal effect dice to 2-handed weapon)

– To replace the veteran special ability, a character could pick from a generic list available to every character of a certain crew type (I’ve seen really great ideas for a cult-crew, but i’m sure we could do the same with every crew type. 

So those are all ideas and reflection, feel free to comment and share your toughts.

The Unrecommendables ride again, this time in Hidden Depths. This is their fourth session.

The Unrecommendables ride again, this time in Hidden Depths. This is their fourth session.

The Unrecommendables ride again, this time in Hidden Depths. This is their fourth session.


We had an interesting evening, with a number of interrupted heist preps, or mini-heists, linking smaller work towards bigger goals. It was interesting to figure when to add in down time. We did so when they needed to clear stress or work on background projects.


I played a one shot using the new quickstart last night.

I played a one shot using the new quickstart last night.

I played a one shot using the new quickstart last night. It was good fun, with our crew fanning the flames of the war between the Lampblacks and Red Sashes in the hope that both gangs would end up wrecked. They finished up by stealing some Lampblacks turf in a brutal takedown.

I was pleased by how well the plan mechanics flowed, and despite a few hiccups as we tried to work out other details, the rest hung together as well.

I’m looking forward to running a longer game, although probably won’t have a chance soon (currently at 1943 in a Night Witches game, and next chunk of our One Ring campaign will be up next).

Ran a session of Blades in the Dark last night at my game table in real space.

Ran a session of Blades in the Dark last night at my game table in real space.

Ran a session of Blades in the Dark last night at my game table in real space. We had a great time! Here is a play report.



Our play report from our first adventure “The Warehouse Job” from last night.

Our play report from our first adventure “The Warehouse Job” from last night.

Our play report from our first adventure “The Warehouse Job” from last night. 

I had meant to have a lot more prep work done in advance, custom character sheets and such, but I just ran out of time.  I cut the Whisper playbook out completely as it will need some retooling for my setting, so we had the other four playbooks represented.  We also had some difficulty figuring out the Crew creation from the two rule sets, so we just winged some of that too.  I think it turned out well, and the group seemed to have a good time.


I figured I’d write up a peek into how I handled a mix of prep and improv for my session, in case that would be…

I figured I’d write up a peek into how I handled a mix of prep and improv for my session, in case that would be…

I figured I’d write up a peek into how I handled a mix of prep and improv for my session, in case that would be helpful to others.

Last night I ran a session with a gang. I had no particular adventure prepared, because I planned to listen to the players by seeing what they picked for their gang (which communicates what kind of game they want to me) and seeing what details of their characters jumped out at me.

My prep consisted of using the enterprise system, and deciding that the Crows were going to make a move against the Red Sashes.


The players decided to be Rooks (con men) and they wanted Resources (3 coin) and they wanted to work for Stella (intelligence/counter intelligence.) So, they wanted to run a con with minimal prep (but all the flashbacks they need) and move in some wealthy circles.


Also, I had an academic-focused fighter (against Red Sashes) and a crazy person who collected leviathan music. I had a noble connected to the government (but poor) and a whisper. And, finally, a lurk.

So I picked the Tea House as an ideal target, that took no time. Sir Myron was an NPC I already named and gave a couple traits on the enterprise sheet, so he’s the target. I made up some books that reflected leviathan song, to tie into the group’s interests and provide something they couldn’t easily get at without socially engaging. I put in a bunch of guards working for various nobles, and a whisper to counter the team’s whisper. (I decided she sees through rats, and riffed some details, to go with the spy theme.) I also made up a skull implanted in a plaster statue as a secondary target. And for spice, I added the head bouncer, a woman named Kerlew who was a one-eyed duelist. THAT WAS ALL MY PREP.

I had time to make this up while they were doing the meet and greet. I basically looked at how I could plug custom content from the characters into my existing enterprise target, aiming for the feel of an episode of Leverage.

The theme was decadent opulence, with the Red Sashes at home in their native environment. Drugs and sex and violence, but all attempting to be refined and tied to ancient tradition. When I needed to fall back to add detail, that was my well.

During the game, I connected Kerlew into the Dean’s background using a devil’s bargain. I put in several opportunities for the gang to leave their “fingerprints” and they took about half of them (but the Red Sashes will likely be too busy to take revenge–right?!) (P.S. I am really glad there is a fortune roll, it’s handy to provide more grist to interpret in situations that could go a number of ways.)

As the players set up their background efforts, that planted more hooks for me. That told me what they wanted to protect against, and how they planned to operate. So by the time the actual heist started, I had a hybrid of my ideas and their ideas and the main focus was on spotlight management to try and give every character chances to shine.


So, thanks to the players for providing great material and rolling with the fluid situation. Especially since the group had not played together before. Everyone got into the spirit of things and drove the heist to a great conclusion.

So that’s a peek into how I made myself tools to make improvisation easier with a group I had not played with before. I hope some of that is useful to you as you plan and run your own games.


Here is a play report from the session we just finished half an hour ago.

Here is a play report from the session we just finished half an hour ago.

Here is a play report from the session we just finished half an hour ago.



Thanks to Andrew Shields and my fellow gang members.

Thanks to Andrew Shields and my fellow gang members.

Thanks to Andrew Shields and my fellow gang members.  Just finished a fantastic Blades in the Dark heist!  Everything kept going almost sideways, but we slipped through with all of our objectives, plus a little impromptu opportunism.

This was my first time with the  Quick Start 3.  Seems to run quite a bit more smoothly than i remember with QS2, but that could have simply been good DMing and smooth narrative pacing of Andrew. Consummate storyteller!

Great play, all!  Many thanks.

A solid first session.

A solid first session.

A solid first session. There’s a mismatch in adjectives between the Action Rolls and Effect Levels that were a little confusing, but otherwise the rules ran great.

They diverted the armoured carriage, killed the guards, seized the goods, and avoided unwanted attention in spite of an out-of-control mist & lightening cloud, a second gang also on the same job, and a persistent pair of Bluecoats on the beat. 
