I played a one shot using the new quickstart last night.

I played a one shot using the new quickstart last night.

I played a one shot using the new quickstart last night. It was good fun, with our crew fanning the flames of the war between the Lampblacks and Red Sashes in the hope that both gangs would end up wrecked. They finished up by stealing some Lampblacks turf in a brutal takedown.

I was pleased by how well the plan mechanics flowed, and despite a few hiccups as we tried to work out other details, the rest hung together as well.

I’m looking forward to running a longer game, although probably won’t have a chance soon (currently at 1943 in a Night Witches game, and next chunk of our One Ring campaign will be up next).

2 thoughts on “I played a one shot using the new quickstart last night.”

  1. I look forward to hearing how the gang war goes. My players have consistently gone up against the Red Sashes instead of the Lampblacks; I think they find the decadent aristocrats more irritating than the blue collar thugs. =) And, of course, once the Red Sashes START losing it seems everybody piles on. 

  2. We were just playing a one shot to try it out, so there won’t be any updates I’m afraid.

    Through the happenstance of bad rolls and desperate choices, our gang had ended up doing more damage to the Lampblacks so I think they would have ended up allies of a stronger Red Sashes if things kept going that way.

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